17 Mar 2022



1. It's March 15th and as the saying goes-"Beware the Ides of March". Have you read or studied much Shakespeare? Do you have a favorite Shakespeare play? How do you feel about a Caesar salad? 

Of course I have studied  Shakespeare centuries ago at school and even in German ! I have seen Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, and Othello, and that was more then enough.  I saw the balcony of Juliet in Verona and must have a picture of me standing on the balcony !

For years I had forgotten Mr. Shakespeare until I made a tour around the UK and ended up in  Stratford-on-Avon where he was born in 1564, apparently he was quite precocious, because he had to marry Anne Hathaway, who was  8 years older and pregnant at 26 ! All this I learned when we visited his birth house and the house where he lived later. He was an actor in London, which I didn't know. I couldn't find out what the "Ides" are, because in all languages it's Ides. The sentence was said by a Roman to warn Cesar that he would be killed on March 15. 

Now I don't know what Shakespeare has to do with Ceasar salad, I doubt that he has ever eaten it, but I like it. It doesn't sound like an English plate in the 16th century it's too healthy !

2. Have you ever been to Rome? If so what do you love about the city? If not, any desire to go? 

It's a shame I have been visiting Italy from top to bottom even before I married an Italian, but I never had time enough to visit Rome  because I thought I needed a few days for that. Maybe I will find some time some day, but it is not really attracting me, that's the downside of having travelled a lot at the end all these old cities look the same.

3. What's your favorite place to 'roam'? 

In a wood or a park or along the sea

4. Do you like pizza? Thick or thin crust? Red sauce-white sauce-other? Your favorite toppings? How do you feel about pineapple on a pizza? 

Pizza is an emergency plate, almost in the whole world you can order a Pizza when you get unexpected guests. Yes I don't mind to eat a good pizza rather with a thick crust. I sometimes eat one with pineapples, anyway you can put every left over in your kitchen on a Pizza dough !  The origin of Pizzas was in Sicily when at the end of a few days all rests were put on a dough and cooked in an oven heated with wood. In fact it was the food of the poors. There are 687 types of Pizza in the World !!

5. 'Rome wasn't built in a day'...tell us how this expression applies to something in your home-life-job currently (or recently)? 

My moving from our house into an apartment ! After two years I still have things which are hidden somewhere in the basement but my lack of energy made that I tell myself each day I will do it tomorrow ! Rome is a good example !

6.  Insert your own random thought here. 

Now we have unmasked faces and could see our smiles, but everybody or nearly have still sour faces because of the economical crists,  the petrol prices are so high that some companies can't deliver their goods. I am fed up of Putine's killing innocent people just for playing war ! There is nothing positive to think about for me with on top my very ill husband !  




  1. My partner wanted to see Cairo. I told him it was unsafe. I think it is and I have no desire to see Eygpt.

    He wants to see Rome. I don't. Too many tourists. He wants to see Venice, the same for me. I would love to see Prague but long flights for us have become a thing of the past.

  2. Shakespeare is full of betrayals but in Henry IV Part II - the Prince Hal's betrayal of Falstaff was the most disturbing. I always liked Falstaff even with his flaws he was consistent and true to Hal.

    I love Pizza too, the Cheese Stuffed Thick Crust. We like to make Flat Bread Pizza lately as we just add sauce, cheese and toppings and it cooks in the oven it 10 minutes.

    I want to see Prague especially Kafka's home. I'd like to take a river cruise either on the Rhine or the Danube; King Ludwig's castles in Bavaria. We plan on taking an extended trip to Europe when my wife retires travelling all over Europe with a Eurail Pass. I'd like to see Normandy as both my grandfathers families originated there, even though they have lived in North America since 1646.

    I keep hoping every day the war in Ukraine will end. I believe the Ukrainians would rather die fighting for their freedom than endure another Holodomor from the Russians. Since Putin and Russia don't believe the Holodomor happened they were not prepared for so much Ukrainian resistance. China mistook the worlds reaction to Putin's invasion and they are trying to walk back with their support.

  3. I enjoyed your answers Gattina. I wouldn't mind visiting Rome but I'd really like to visit the areas where my maternal grandparents and great grandparents families were from.


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