26 Oct 2021


Brussels is a greener city than you might think. Brussels has more than 8,000 hectares of green spaces: parks, woods, forests, cemeteries, sports grounds, etc. which means half of the space ! 

This park was close to where we lived in Brussels in one of the 19 municipalities. I returned there a couple of years ago and took these pictures. As the weather is mostly rainy I don't go out to take photos and when it's nice I have no time. Therefore I have still to dig into the past years !


This must have been a Pub in the past "Wiel's" is a beer


Probably the cat of the house





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  1. It looks lovely and spacious. I love cities that have lots of green spaces.

  2. Since the start of the pandemics, I go out only for essentials. Like you and others,
    I miss seeing places and taking pictures. Moreover, it's hard for a blogger to publish a post without pictures, And I've done that a lot during this period.
    May we have better times, soon!

  3. Not sure what are green space here. Or anyone use that term. But we have national forest around us.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  4. Of course the cat is a welcome sight to see.


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Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !