26 Oct 2018


On Monday I felt exhausted from our Exhibition ! I hadn't thought that staying there from 11 am to 5 pm would be so tiring but it must have been the noise and the fact that I was often standing and explaining. Therefore I took it easy, and spend my day working on my post about Vilnius (Lithuania).
This took me nearly the whole day, because some of the photos I didn't remember where and what it was ! Fortunately I could google !

This time our Scrabble was at Nicole's. Since I had served scones with clotted cream, she had proposed each time to serve a speciality of a country. Unfortunately she had gotten a cake from her son who had bought it in France as a speciality ! It was called "Broyé du Patou"  (crushed Poitou)  a cake from the New Aquitaine region of France, made of sugar, flour, butter and eggs.The ground does not cut but breaks into uneven pieces, and normally you have to break it with your elbow or with a hammer.

I think the one who had invented this recipe must have an agreement with dentists, because that thing was as hard as a stone ! Mireille had to break it with a wooden spoon as we had no hammer and were worried about our elbows ! 

Strangely it broke into four quarters. We bravely ate each a piece, but had to dip it in our coffee, so hard it was. It tasted not too bad, but I would never try this French speciality again ! But we had a lot of fun in breaking the cake. I already saw the pieces stick at the walls.

Since we had learned Acrylic pouring in our painting class most of us are excited to try it out !

It's not a very clean job, and for once we wore aprons ! We have to mix the colors with glue and water, I tried beer, and then mix it well and pour it on the canvas. You never know the result, but it's just amazing ! The beer with the glue caused a special design in my color ! Next time we will try liquid soap !

The leaves slowly start to color, and it has become quite cold. We are not used to these temperatures anymore !

Arthur has found the right place, he sleeps on the radiator !

more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.


  1. The pie story was funny but it must have been fun trying it. The painting sounds a lot of fun but the exhibition sounded like hard work. Don't forget we are getting older.

  2. That's funny about the French pie! The one time we were in France we LOVED the croissants and some kind of cookie thing but i don't remember this pie. Our leaves have been slow to change this year here in eastern New York State because the night time temps have been so mild. Until this week! Now it is getting colder. Have a happy weekend

  3. The pie sounds a disaster. It's surprising how some thing tire us more than others. The painting sounds fun.

  4. Arthur looks quite comfortable.

    The temperatures are now cool enough that a coat is needed each day here.

  5. I've never heard of Broyé du Patou. It looks pretty but sounds very hard to eat :-)
    Arthur is looking cute and comfy on the radiator! Stay warm xo

  6. My goodness I don't think the French treat was the treat everyone expected. Great photo of the cats.

  7. You had put so much effort into preparing the exhibition that I am not surprised you were tired on Monday.

  8. I'm glad the exhibition went well! I am always tired the day after a big event. Weird about the cake! I wonder if they are always that way or if this one was defective. I don't know how anyone could eat it. Our leaves are slowly turning, too, and are starting to look really pretty.

  9. That painting technique sounds very interesting and very fun to try different liquids to pour and see how they turn out. That was quite the dessert. Maybe it's meant to dip into coffee sort of like a biscotti? Our leaves have all fallen now. It's definitely getting cooler out there even though the temperature reads 15*C it feels much cooler unless you are directly in the sunshine.

  10. Standing around talking is exhausting. I did that yesterday at our weaving guild's harvest fair (sale). My legs still ache!
    Your pie story was funny. You were wise to dunk the pieces in your tea to soften them up.
    I hope you will soon have many brilliant leaves to enjoy. And tell the cat to move over so you can sit on the heater, too.


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