8 Oct 2012


Helps you to remember what you have done on the weekend of October 6. If you participate please put the little logo on the top of your post and leave your link.

On Saturday we had an awful weather ! It was raining the whole day, together with a strong wind and it made you feel cold. When I opened the stores, I wanted to close them immediately and rather switch on the light ! It was disgusting outside !

A little chat with grandson Toby cheered me up a bit, seeing each other on the screen makes me feel as if I was sitting with him at the table having breakfast ! Am I happy to be a modern Grandma who knows how to handle a computer ! All the others don't know what they miss !

Dominique who was in the same mood as I called and invited me for coffee together with Nicole. We had decided to take a season ticket for a cute little theatre not very far from Waterloo in a little country town.

They mostly play commedies and the actors are all very good. So once a months we will go there.

On Sunday morning when I opened the stores, the rain had stopped and the sun came out. The election poster of our mayor, which my neighbor had put up hadn't survived the rain and his face was washed away. I hope he has better luck with the elections !

In the afternoon and I went to Ilona and we did a long walk through the countryside close to her house but still in Brussels.

The fields were very wet and the little river still nearly filled up til the top, apparently it had gone out of its bed. Fortunately I had put on boots because there was quiet a lot of mud.

A good cup of hot tea warmed us up, because despite the sunshine it was rather cool.


  1. Despite the cold and wet weather, you were able to accomplish much. :)

    You are one tech savvy grandma! It's amazing and I am thankful for these inventions that we could connect and communicate even though we are thousands and thousands of kilometres away.

    Have a wonderful week ahead!

  2. It must be disappointing to open the shutters and find a miserable day. However, you found a way to still enjoy yourself. Skype is great for keeping in touch with grandchildren

  3. Toby is growing so fast, I think it's wonderful to be able to speak to him and see him so often. He will not forget you either.
    It rained here on Saturday too and the local flea market was cancelled. I suffered withdrawel symptoms.

  4. Beautiful photographs, I like to admire such views. I am greeting

  5. We had such a hot dry summer that we were enjoying September rain - so cool and refreshing!
    But now October rains - cold - are not so wonderful.
    Have a great day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  6. It was a big tea weekend for me too. Very cool, very wet and very busy with housework and laundry.

  7. I can't believe how cool it is already in Brussels. Glad that your rain has now stopped. Maybe it will head over our way. It has been a month since our last rain and we need some again.

  8. Let me recall, it is a great respite from work so i visited an old church about 3 hours away from my place and just spent my day wandering around it and shooting photos :)

  9. The warmth and love of your world certainly come through in these shots!


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