14 Jan 2008


don't miss the Ice Sculpture Exposition in Brugge

Ann proposed for FUN MONDAY :

"I want to hear about a web site and not just about any old web site. I want to hear about a web site that's changed your life. A web site that you can't live without. A web site whose inventor you'd like to see win a McArthur Genius Grant".
My first thought reading this was I don't know any web site which changed my life or I can't live without but suddenly I realized it wasn't true. I certainly can live without this web site, but indeed it really changed my life !

I came back from holidays in Egypt in Feb 2006 and was looking for informations about the cat godesses of Egypt. I didn't use Internet very often I just had learned it and besides sending emails I didn't know anything of using a computer.

Of course I don't know exactly if it was this page The Cat in ancient Egypt or another similar one but from there on I suddenly found myself in a Forum and there were people who had Blogs. I didn't know at all what that was and had to look it up in Wikipedia, which I discovered at the same time.

Now I became curious and started looking for blogs. First I dropped on Yahoo blogs and as always I don't think I just subscribed, and suddenly was owner of a blog. Now what to do with it ? I looked what the others had done and wrote. Of course nobody read what I wrote and I was not satisfied at all.

I subscribed to another Blog provider, don't remember the name but there it was not better. I don't know how, but I discovered Blogger. From that day on my life changed completely. The time I spend at the Computer increased and it wasn't possible anymore to share one with Mr. Gattino. I bought a laptop for myself. My friends thought I am crazy because I always had hated computers ! The first blog was called Travels-Cats and Paintings. Which I had to split later into one for Travels, one for Cats, one for my paintings and this one.

In some way I found the ideal thing to keep me busy. I was so bored since I stopped working and didn't know what to do with my days. Now I am always busy, I go somewhere I think "is that a subject for my blog" ? I travel and take pictures for my blog and everything I do I ask myself "can I use it for my blog ?" For me this site has changed my life and for a retired person blogging is really a very nice occupation.

The Godesses Sekhmet (a painting from me) and Bastet


  1. I love blogger also and would totally say it changed my life!

  2. What a great post. The same can be said for those of us on the cusp of being empty-nesters. Blogging has been the best thing ever to fill my time now that I no longer run with kids.

  3. I just need to quit my job - so I can travel with you and blog whenever I want.

    Do you ever feel blogged out? I have moments when I think I am... and then I pop back.

  4. You have described the blogging experience very well particularly for those of us no longer young.
    Pamela raises a valid point about it sometimes seeming a bit yoo much like a job, thats when a change comes in handy... like Fun Monday for example.

  5. I ran into Michele s site, who hosts a wonderful comment game "Meet&Greet" on weekends...you need a blog to participate so people can leave comments. I lurked long enough until I decided I wanted to have some fun too and started my blog :)

    And now I am doing wonders using my left hand ! Thanks for your good wishes! HappyMonday

  6. Gattina?!!! This is an excellent Fun Monday! I love how you began your story and then........here you are. Here we are---blogging friends. Yes, that is life changing. You did good.

  7. Yes, for me it's the same! Blogging has changing my life. And I'm very glad to know now marvelous people on the bloggosphere I would never meet in my other life, without blog!
    Bon je vais chercher mélissa au lycée car l'infirmier doit continuer les soins! Il pleut chez nous depuis plusieurs jours! Dire que mon sèche linge est en panne!

  8. Wonderful post. I started about late 2006 also. I'm so addicted now it aint even funny. Love! The painting!

  9. I think the internet,whether it be blogging or any other site, is a brilliant way for retired people to keep in touch with the world! Good for you Gattina!

  10. Well spoken!! Blogger is awesome and you do meet such nice people here!!

  11. It's neat how you found blogging and I had similar path. I was in a Lhasa Apso yahoo group and kept noticing this little url under this one lady's name. I checked it out and was amazed, then I saw something on the news about blogs and finally I decided to start one.

    Oh and in my post Mayo Clinic is one of the top medical facilites in the US (on the cutting edge) and people come from all over to it. I went for colon cancer. They are awesome!

  12. What fun! It is intriguing how many of us got where we are from clicking those comments names.

    I have more cool people that I have never met!

    Great post.

  13. Indeed it IS! And so you can imagine how this blogosphere changes the lives of people who are shut-ins! Of course, I love MY blog - but if I didn't have it, I would still have a very productive "social life" - as would YOU -- but the blog does allow us into corners of the world where we would NEVER have gotten to before -- and to meet such great friends that were NEVER in our wildest dreams without it! I'm sO thankful for it!!!

  14. Wow...now why didn't I think of that? Blogger and all my blog buddies have DEFINITELY changed my life! Great post! And here I thought you would pick "icanhascheezburger.com" being a cat lover and all!

  15. That's a really wonderful story, Gattina. I am so glad you found such a fun way to fill your time in retirement.

    We bought my mother-in-law a laptop computer for her birthday last year. Since then, she has really gotten interested in all sorts of things.

  16. Your story is remarkable similar to mine, as I started blogging as I retired and it has become my main hobby. I also view everything with blogging in mind, we might be crazy but we have a lot of fun!

  17. that's soooo cool!

    it's funny how we just get hooked and all of a sudden, it's like you've always been there.

    glad the egyptian cats hooked you!

  18. I thought I commented here this morning, but clearly I am losing my marbles. :) Great post and thanks for participating.

  19. I need to retire to have more blogging hours in the day. But I'm 39 so I guess I have to work a while longer...darn.

    Blogging has changed my life in many ways too.

  20. I wan tto quit my job so I can blog all the time!

    Wait, I am a stay at home mom.
    If I quit the kids will have to leave. I guess I will just squeeze blogging in somehow!

  21. I love how you thought at first that there wasn't a site that changed your life, only to realize there was. My blog has definitely changed mine - for the better!

  22. Your last paragraph totally described me!! I like your new look also..very nice!!

  23. I will admit, my frame of mind is different since I began blogging. It's a nice world to go to at the end and the beginning of the day. It's hard for me to really think that people read our stuff. So cool.

  24. yea...that happened to me too...except now i am totally addicted to everything blogging (like twitter) and have 7 blogs...watch out...the blogs will get ya!

  25. Ooo I like your disclaimer above the comment box - I think I need to steal that! Sounds like you've embraced blogging and it has embraced you back. Glad to meet you, I'll be back!


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