3 Jul 2007


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Pookie take notes of the laste mice news

Every morning I read or I "overfly the news" on Belgian Internet home page. Since I became internet addicted I wouldn't touch a newspaper in paper anymore ! Filled up with news and updated I then can start my day.

In the local news this morning I read that our King feels as good as a fish in water just after his hip operation. He had broken his hip ! I imagine that he climbed out of his golden bath tube slipped and felt on his oriental rug. Can even happen to Kings ! Of course the whole country was worried, (except those who are for a republic) sent flowers and his children with respecitve wives and husbands visited him in the hospital. I don't know if he lost his crown while he fell on the floor.

I also was informed that an airplane with 400 turks on board was still sitting on the ground because the passengers had started a fight with the board personnel which had fled from them and locked themselves in together with the pilote. I found this rather funny and thought about 400 excited turks and the hidden stewards and stewardess in the pilot's cabin !

Finally the airport police calmed down 400 turks which probably hasn't been that easy and put some order in this mess, but now the pilote didn't want to fly anymore, they all had to wait until another crew from Turkey had been sent to Brussels !

I also read that now in Belgium there are 68.000 millionaires ! Not bad for such a small country with only 10 million inhabitants. Unfortunately I am not (yet) amongst them.

In the world too things happened. Mr. Blair replaced by a Mr. Brown a scott but without skirt. They say that he is more serious and less glamorous then Mr. Blair. A pity I like glamorous people ! And as a starter he got a terrorist attack. Poor man.

Then my eyes got big like tennis balls, when I read that in the States one person from 133 is in prison compared to 1 of 1000 in France. Apparently it is the country of the most criminals in the whole world and the number of criminals is as high as the number of inhabitants of Lettonia. (Must be up there in northern Europe, I never was very good in geography) Sad record I have to admit.

I finished my cup of coffee and opened my emails !


  1. LOL, your morning news are a lot better than mine!!!The yellow press is always interested on the royals but I didn't hear anything about the Belgian king having surgery, thanks for the information :)
    And I too think Blair had more glamour, charm and class than the current PM, I will miss him when I watch the news. I sometimes look at another screen other than my pc's ;)

  2. Hi Gattina ~~ Sounds like a good newscast you watch. I hope your King recovers well after hip surgery. One
    can learn a lot from the Internet.
    Thanks for your comments - it is amazing that although we are a world apart, we both watched the concert for Diana. I don't like Philip at all, the Queen is OK mostly, except for when Diana died. Take care,
    Love, Merle.

  3. Ohhhhhhhh my goodness! Well THANKS for THAT depressing news! I wonder how I don't have a prison for a next door neighbor! THIS is the stuff OUR papers DON'T tell us! One in 133? Where ARE all the prisons??? I must live in the only neighborhood without one! LOL!

  4. As I have told you before, there are still areas in the US that are like the Wild West. New Hampshire is still pretty low crime. I guess you have to pick your area to live.

  5. "I don't know if he lost his crown while he fell on the floor." *LOL* Now that´s what I call brain cinema. It´ll take me hours to get rid of the funny picture you´ve placed inside my head.

    Viel Glück bei Deinen Unternehmungen unter die Top 68.000 zu kommen!

  6. Et s'il est tombé avec la couronne j'espère qu'elle n'est pas cabossée! Sarko lui, ne tombe pas car son centre de gravité est trop bas!
    1 sur 133 en prison! Et be! Et perpet pour le multirécidiviste quel que soit le délit! petit vol, larcins... dans je ne sais plus quel état.
    No comment!!!

  7. It's all those dope dealers in the US that are in prison!!! 1/2 that and 1/2 women that shoot their useless monster husbands rather than divorce them. That comment about some ares of the US being like the wild west are correct, and some of that is still in the west - like Los Angeles,Las Vegas, and the eastern wild west - New York City. Up here in Northern Washington it is the immigrants that cause most of the problems, and sadly they are usually deported rather than imprisoned. Sad why...you ask? Because they are back in the US about 24 hours after being deported is why. Once they're in prison for life, they don't usually get out, get another green-card in another name, get another job under an assumed name...live on in the US-ofA (or is that Northern Mexico??)

  8. It is actually less than 5 per 1000 compared to 1 in 1000
    .... which could mean we either have more criminals or the laws and judgments are not more lenient in France.

  9. you must remember dear that america was once used as a penal colony by the british. it sounds as if all the offspring didn't fall too far from the tree(s). LOL so france has less criminals according to statistics? i wonder if my daughter knows this? she's been clamoring to get to france for months now. ;-)


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Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !