1 Jul 2007


Pookie is very independent and can be quite snob too, look at her face

There are still people who consider women to be inferior to, or less than, men. The view that women were weak was passed on from one generation to the next. However, some ancient civilizations knew powerful women. For example, Queen Hatshepsut ruled Egypt as a mighty pharaoh in the 15th century BC.

It was quite a hard work for women to get their independence from men. Not very long ago, unmarried women were not considered very well and also depended very often from their family. Since women work, make carrier in all domains even in politics she has acquired her independence too.

The reason that there are so many divorces in the past 50 years results from the fact that more and more women were working, earned their own money and didn't depend from their husbands anymore. If something went wrong, she could divorce because she had the independence for that.

In the generation before a woman had no choice, she had to stay with her husband, even if he was a monster because she had no means to live of her own. She would have to ask her family to support her but not all families were ready to do so and most of the time the woman didn't say anything because of the shame she would bring over her family. A divorced woman was an outsider exactly like a woman with a child and no husband.

Fortunately this has changed a lot and today a woman if she wants to is as free as a man at least in our western world. Theoretically, because in real life it looks sometimes very different.

When I was child and grew up I realized with the time how dependent my mother was from my father. She had nothing of her own and he even gave her pocket money ! She didn't know how to fill in a check or pay per credit card (she didn't have one either), she couldn't drive, he would never have allowed this, in short she would have been unable to exist of her own. He told her this on each and every occasion, that without him she was nothing.

This influenced my character for the rest of my life. Never ever I wanted to be dependent on a man I swore to myself. And that's what I did. I lived my life after my rules and didn't care about what women should do or not. I had my financial independence and therefore my freedom. Maybe I was critized for that especially when I wasn't married yet, but I didn't care. And one thing is for sure I never ever regretted one thing what I have lived in the past.

And as a conclusion it is sad to say but real independence and real freedom you can only get when you have money !


  1. juste un petit coucou avant de partir travailler! J'espère que le concert t'a plu!? Très bon billet! Et là je peux te dire que je suis au fait de tout ce qui se passe dans la vie des jeunes couples à l'école! Que de divorces...Mais bon les jeunes papas ne sont pas si mal que ça! Là cette année j'avais des pères extra qui s'occupaient super des petits ! Mais ce n'est pas tous les ans la même chose! Je pense que les nouvelles générations d'hommes sont plus proches des enfants! Certains boivent mes paroles et ont la larme à l'oeil quand on discute de leur gosse!
    Mais tu as raison, les femmes doivent être vigilentes! Ma mère a fait deux dépressions à cause de mon père! Il l'aimait mais il était vraiment impossible! Surtout nous avec la mentalité du sud!
    Bon, bonne journée Gattina...Je reviendrai voir les réactions à ton billet! ça sera sûrement très instructif!

  2. wow, what a powerful post, Gattina. It truly is a great thing when a woman can stand on her own two feet :) Hope you have a wonderful week and happy MM!

  3. Well said, Gattina, and I heartily agree with every word you said! There was no way I wanted to be dependent on anyone either and that is one of the reasons I'm not very good marriage material. Even today, a lot of men want their women to be dependent. They just cannot cope with strong independent woman. Sad, isn't it?

  4. Physically, men are stronger.
    And mentally - the strengths our equal but different.
    Emotionally... we are the stronger sex.

  5. I immediately thought of this song:

    Aretha Franklin
    Song: Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves

    Now there was a time when they used to say
    That behind every - "great man."
    There had to be a - "great woman."
    But in these times of change you know
    That it's no longer true.
    So we're comin' out of the kitchen
    'Cause there's somethin' we forgot to say to you (we say)

    Sisters are doin' it for themselves.
    Standin' on their own two feet.
    And ringin' on their own bells.
    Sisters are doin' it for themselves.

    Now this is a song to celebrate
    The conscious liberation of the female state!
    Mothers - daughters and their daughters too.
    Woman to woman
    We're singin' with you.
    The "inferior sex" got a new exterior
    We got doctors, lawyers, politicians too.
    Everybody - take a look around.
    Can you see - can you see - can you see
    There's a woman right next to you.

    Chorus repeats.

    Now we ain't makin' stories
    And we ain't layin' plans
    'Cause a man still loves a woman
    And a woman still loves a man
    (Just a same though)

  6. Hi Gattina ~~ I agree it is so much better when as women we can stand on our own two feet and not feel dependent on a man. I also enjoyed your post about Diana. She was so
    beautiful and deserved a better life that she had. I will be watching her concert in an hour. Thankd for your comments, yes, we all shrink, but we can still walk and talk and enjoy our lives. Your son chose a short girl, but so long as they are happy. Take care, Love, Merle.

  7. This is all right Gattina! Early in my marriage my husband TRIED to keep me like your father did to your mother -- but I had already HAD my independence before I married him! Needless to say - it didn't work! I resented it all and it nearly caused us divorce! No more of that! :) Great post!

  8. Hi Gattina!

    Money indeed makes the world go around. I like money. I like to hold it. I like to have a lot of it. Someday I hope to have enough of it that I can also be independent.


  9. You are an amazing and powerful independent lady, Miss Gattina!

    Could you please give me some tips how to steal a steak of my hooman daddy´s plate?


  10. Excellent take on the theme, Gattina!
    I always considered you to be an independent woman.

    Ich habe das fantastische Konzert gestern auf RTL2 gesehen - aber ohne Dich hätte ich es sicherlich verpasst, was ärgerlich gewesen wäre. Danke, meine Liebe!

  11. Our lives sound very alike. I think we had the same father. Well, they certainly sound the same. An excellent post on independence. Have a great MM. :)

  12. I certainly agree with you. Being financially independent is ideal, and a woman shouldn't have to depend solely on her significant other for money.

    And your cat is adorable!

  13. Grattia, I have had a very different kind of experience. I married my husband when I was just out of high school. We have now been married for 46 years. Our life together has been a beautiful one. I have never owned anything in my name, had money that I could call my own, but I have been the happiest woman in the world. My husband loved and loves me and togeather we made a home for our children who have grown up to be wonderful people who I admire. My husband has given me love when I was unloveable , taken care of me in sickness, tried to encourge me in anything that I wanted he has loved me with the love of the Lord and I him. We know that it is the Lord who has made a difference in our lives and the lives of our children.

    I am glad you are happy with the choices you have made in your life but with or without money, I would not change the life I have had for any amount of money or anything this world has to offer. God bless you Gattina. your friend connie from Texas

  14. What a powerful post! I want to stand up and cheer you on!:D

  15. Good on you! Great post, and very true.

  16. You've got to love independent kitties! I've got two of them, but the female takes the cake for independence!

  17. Alors gattina! C'était un très bon thème de réflexion! Et je pense que dans l'ensemble la majorité des femmes t'approuvent. Mon papa, italien et provençal d'origine, m'a toujours dit:" travaille et sois indépendante!" Car lui même menait la vie dure à ma mère et certainement c'est quelque chose qui le dépassait. C'est ancré, comme on dit ici. C'est vrai c'est pas toujours facile mais quand j'observe les femmes qui ne travailent pas, on ne peut pas dire qu'elles soient réellement heureuses! Le travail c'est avant tout une reconnaissance sociale et de l'argent ... en cas de désaccord c'est pas négligeable!


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