4 Jan 2024


1. Every January 1st since 1976 Lake Superior University has published a list of words they'd like to see banished from the Queen's English. Words may be banished due to misuse, overuse or just general uselessness (go here to read more about how the words were chosen). 

Here are the words/phrases they'd like to see banished in 2024- hack, impact, at the end of the day, rizz, slay, iconic, cringe worthy, obsessed, side hustle, wait for it.

 Which of these words/phrases would you most like to see banished from everyday speech and why?

 I didn't even know the word rizz and apparently Google neither because it's underlined in red. My dictionary says that it is seldom used, so for me it can be banished from the Queen's English ! For the word "hack" I don't care, it's almost the same in German and maybe I used it in English, so they can take it out or leave it, I don't know what I should hack. Slay exists even in the dictionary, but I wouldn't use it. Iconic they can keep, cringe worthy I never used, but obsessed they should keep as some women are obsessed with cleaning their house, and side hustle I don't know, so it doesn't matter, but wait for it they should keep ! I often wait in the post office if I have to send a parcel !

Are any of these a regular part of your speech? Is there a word not on the list that you'd like to add? 

No, for me there are enough words, think of your children when they have to learn the vocabulary in another language.

2. What do you wish you'd done more of last year? Less of

Nothing, I moved, I had health problems and I was a nervous wreck, that was enoughLess of, would fit !

 3. A place you'd like to visit in this new year? Do you think you will?

If possible, I would like to go to Eastbourne or make a tour in the UK. All depends on how I feel.

4.What are three words to sum up or describe your 2023

awful, disgusting, and shitty

5. What advice would you like to give yourself as we begin a new year ? 

Try to get rid of my health problems and get a bit more energy, also without Rick

 6. Insert your own random thought here. 

There still  is one problem to solve with my "old" apartment, otherwise I feel like a fish in the water in my new home. I love my room which is very cozy, even the Manager of the home admired it and Rosie too ! And the view out of the windows is great. Now I can say that I have found the ideal place to finish my life in this world. Not too soon, I hope, but I saw a French lady on TV she was 120 years old and looked really nice ! She was full of humor and made the reporter laugh. She says she drinks a glass of red wine to all meals, and that keeps her fit ! An example to follow !! (not necessarily the wine), although here at lunch we get all one carafe of red and white wine.


and Princess Rosie likes it too, so many birds to observe !





  1. Interesting thoughts....glad that your apartment in your new 'castle' is all you wished for and more! If Rosie is happy then everyone is too, right?!

  2. I only came across 'rizz' at the end of last year and thought it really silly - it's not that difficult to say 'charisma' and it's a much nicer word. I would ban 'nuance' and '24/7' - lazy speech.

  3. The word 'hack' is way overused. I don't like it.
    Slay is old English, rarely used now.
    You've already made a tour of Britain with the same travel company we used. I can't remember the name of the company now. Maybe you can afford to take a posh Trafalgar tour.
    I am not sure if it is new, but the photo Rick in his usual shirt and the photo of you looking quite cross is interesting.

  4. I'm so glad to hear you like your new home and are settling in comfortably. My oldest daughter and her family will be living in the UK for six months starting late summer, and my hubs and I look so forward to visiting while they're there. I hope you can take your trip!

  5. I hope your 2024 is much better. I'm glad you love your new apartment.


Dear Anonymous,
Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !