11 Jan 2024


1. What's a change you'd like or need to make this year? 

Nothing I had enough changes in the last 4 years ! Now I start to feel much better and I am happy where I am.

2. Break the ice, on thin ice, ice skating, tip of the iceberg, ice cold...which icy idiom applies to your life right now? Explain. 

Nothing fits, except probably "Break the ice" Rick would say that I manage to make dumb people speak

3. What's a project you've been putting off? Will you get to it this month? This year?

I want to travel again, this month it's too early I still recuperate, but maybe at the end of the year or next year.

4. Of the fruits that grow well in winter which ones have you tried? Which is your favorite? pomegranates, clementines, persimmons, passion fruit, pears, grapefruit, lemons, pomelos, kumquats.

None of the mentioned fruits are growing here in winter. But we can buy them and they are imported of course. I love clementines.

5. What do you think it means to be courageous? 

To jump into ice cold water and save a person, or an animal

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I thought I would have only positive and cheerful random thoughts, but no I got an email from my landlord which is so stupid, he really has no imagination, how can he think that I alone, mostly absent and not cooking has damaged the apartment as if I had invited at least 20 people to damage the apartment ! Dario has a friend who will help me he has an Estate Agency !





  1. I think some landlords try to bamboozle their tenants. I'm glad Dario will be able to help.

  2. The old people who visited you to party with the wheel walkers knocked the plaster around, I reckon.
    The buyers of my late mother's house tried it on. They tried to reduce the agreed sale price. There is a crack in the window. Yes, been there for twenty years. The dishwasher doesn't work. No, it hasn't for twenty years. The gas fire doesn't work. No it hasn't for twenty years. They inspected the house before they bought. Buyer beware.

    It is absurd that this person is giving you a hard time. Don't spend money to sort it out. Just ignore him.

  3. I hope you get to travel this year.

  4. Sorry about the hassle from your landlord and I hope you're able to get past it. Glad Dario will be helping you. Hope you get to travel and continue feeling better and happier in 2024!

  5. What's a project you've been putting off? When will you get to it?
    I always allocated 4 weeks every Australian winter (July) to travel overseas or across this nation. But four years ago, when Covid first struck, I retired and didn't have the money or courage to leave the city. In January 2024 we sailed to New Zealand and had the most wonderful time. Yes I was anxious throughout, but the travel plans had been put off for so long that this was the best venture EVER.


Dear Anonymous,
Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !