29 Nov 2023



This is the handmade furniture of my doll house. It dates from 1946. My mother had asked a carpenter to make the little furniture and as in 1946 there was no money because Germany was occupied in my region by Americans and British soldiers, she knitted 5 pullovers for the carpenter's 5 children.

more participants here, and Image-in-ing


  1. What lovely collection of little pieces! My father made miniature furniture and one of his items is now considered to be priceless.

  2. Gorgeous!
    I've recently moved into a community for seniors and the work they produce in the woodshop here is amazing - doll houses, duck decoys, antique vehicles, etc.
    Thank you for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2023/11/a-few-sights-from-brussels.html

  3. Lovely dolls' house furniture. I hope the five children weren't too big - what a task!

  4. What wonderful furniture. It is hard to work what is life sized.

  5. I never had doll house.
    Coffee is on.

  6. Over 70 years old and the furniture looks almost new. Something worth keeping from your childhood.

  7. These miniature household items and furniture jewels are priceless. Both your mother and the carpenter amazing!


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