23 Oct 2023


all these animals live now in another world and have a very happy life without wars, crimes, and abandoned animals.





This weekend Dominique had asked if she could spent the weekend with me and help me with the curtains, to take them of and other things. I was very happy that she could do this because tomorrow I will bring the curtains to the tailor to have them shortened.  Not very much and instead of 4, I only need three. The curtains in the room I didn't like and preferred the ones I had in my living room.

But first we went for lunch to eat our mussels and fries and  benefited from the fact that they still existed, were nice and big and tasted great. Afterwards we did our shopping and  then  drove home.


Dominique always has to sleep at least an hour after lunch because she has Parkinson's and otherwise can't get through the day. 

I was angry that Google had changed everything after an update and I even had problems with the TV. The browsers didn't "brouwse", the internet was on strike, on my phone and tablet and I wanted to throw everything out of the window. 

Dominique couldn't help me, she was busy with the curtains. Finally I lost my temper and called my provider. He gave me a few instructions and I pressed a button and suddenly the internet and the browser were back.

 While Dominique had decided to clean mymy silver cutlery to be sold (I had never thought of cleaning before selling black silver looks more real) that suddenly she wanted them for herself. We put 48 forks for meat, fish, cake and cream in different sizes plus the same for fish, cake knives etc  in a shoe carton which became very heavy. We were both happy with this solution, she had wanted that for so long. I have to admit that the silver was shining and it looked new despite the fact that they were over 50 years old. It was the use when a girl was 14 or 15 the family started to offer a knife a fork etc for birthdays and Christmas for an eventually later marriage. I preferred clothes or books Marriage never came in my mind !

We also had watched a very funny film and had a nice weekend despite the fact that it rained cats and dogs..



  1. That sounds like you had a productive and pleasant weekend!!

  2. Cute furbabes and a wonderful weekend. Good for you, Gattina.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to Rosie. ♥

  3. A superstition here is that you never give a knife as a gift. If someone does give you a knife, you must pay them, just the smallest coin will do.

  4. What a good perfect person to have your silverware. Someday soon Dominique will invite you for dinner and you can then visit your old table settings at the same time as you visit your dear friend. .... I too used to get pieces of silver on birthdays and Christmas when I was a teenager (for the "hope chest" as it was called) and I too hated it. I Can I confess what a horrible thing I did not too long after we were married. Instead of using the beautiful silver, I gave the precious pieces to my children to play with, that is what I did. My mother wanted me to host fancy dinner parties -- I wanted to go camping with our kids. (Still it was terrible of young me to let the kids dig in the sandbox as if the sterling pieces were toys. And I am ashamed of myself. But not too ashamed )).


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