25 Sept 2023

Awww Monday -- Weekend September 23



linking to AWWW MONDAYS



This has been a terrible weekend. On the night of Friday to Saturday I had a lot of pain in my rib and didn't know in what position I should sleep. The medication didn't seem to have the same effect anymore, or it was my  imagination because suddenly it was 9 am. 

As I was admiring Rosie's ears, the phone rang. It was one of my old friends who had suddenly reappeared and started to tell me about a broken knee and one sprained shoulder because she had sat down besi des her chair. I told her I would call her back later, I hadn't even had my  coffee yet.

My back hurt more than the day before and it took me ages to get dressed, at least in a jogging. I couldn't move, it hurt to much, so I worked on my computer. Then I was hungry and got up to take a slice of bread and cheese and ...... I don't know what happened, when I carried my tray to the sofa, suddenly I had no more pain! Crazy. After lunch  I put a scarf around my neck (not to hang myself) but to put my arm in it to support it better. And that worked too! 

That's for next week !!

The rest of the day I chatted on the phone, watched two movies and wrote this masterpiece.

I called Dario to tell him my miseries, and he said it is about time that I move into my castle, of course he is worried too. I always tell myself to shut up, but unconsciously I mix him up with Rick. It will be better when I am out of here !


  1. I hope the week ahead will be kinder to you. Your poor friend - so much damage from missing the chair!

  2. I have never seen a panda in real life and wasn't even sure they really existed. It is a bit like the Tasmanian Devil.

  3. Awww ~ neat photos ~ but hope you are feeling better ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. Sounds like a bad weekend, but I'm glad everything got better.

  5. It sounds like your weekend wasn't very nice. I hope you are better now.

  6. Ouch! However its good to know somehow you're on the mend once again.

    Accidents happen so fast, in less than the blink of an eye. I was helping a lady to get out of her bed, and before *I* could even react, she was flat on her face, Yikes! Other than bruises at least nothing was broken.

    Take care, I hope the rest of your week will be pain free and uneventful.

  7. I had broken ribs. I remember the pain and discomfort.


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