28 Sept 2023


1. It's officially fall y'all. In the northern hemisphere anyway. Any signs of it where you are? What's your favorite thing about this time of year? 

As I hate fall, I am really happy that it is still warm (at least during the day) and the trees are still dressed in green and not naked. We are late with fall this year !

2. Have you visited any 'falls' in person? Tell us about one of your favorites? Of the following top ten famous falls (according to this site ) which would you most like to see in person- Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe/Zambia), Igazu Falls (Argentina/Brazil), 

 Niagara Falls (US/Canada), 


Yosemite Falls (California), 

Dettifoss (Iceland) Kaieteur Falls (Guyana),



 Plitvice Waterfalls (Croatia), 

or Sutherland Falls (New Zealand) Yes, I have seen the Niagara Falls on the Canadian side, the Yosemite Falls, and the Plitvice Waterfalls in Croatia. I think I would love to see the Gullfoss-Golden Falls with the Northern lights !

3. What's something you'll miss about summer? 

The long days and the light

4. A favorite fall recipe? 

I don't know any, I eat what I want and don't care about the season ! 

5. Something you enjoy but lately have allowed it to 'fall by the wayside'? 

Painting, sculpturing, traveling, photography. I have lost all energy and creativity  since Rick died.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I have so many things to sell and I'm racking my brain as to the easiest way to do it. I can't let the whole of Belgium into my apartment.



  1. It is sad to hear how you have lost interest in all your hobbies. I hope your son can help you sell stuff. We sold stuff on Gumtree. Its an Australian version of ebay.

  2. I suppose you could always put what you don't sell into storage for a while.

  3. I have four large drawers for my clothes, and now we are already a month into spring in Australia, I have packed away the woollen jumpers and windcheaters into the one bottom drawer. Rock on two more months of spring and then SUMMER>>>>>> yes! My t-shirts and bathing suits are ready :)

  4. I hope you rediscover a love for your hobbies again. Maybe you can sell some of your things online.

  5. I can tell you what I don’t miss about summer - the heat and humidity. Summer is not my favourite time of the year. As for the waterfalls I have seen two of the ones displayed in your pictures - Niagara (an hour and a half from my house) and Plitvice in Croatia.

  6. Niagra Falls for me...they were, Loud!! lolol
    hope you're feeling better today?!

  7. I never got around to commenting on last weeks posts and figured I needed to play catch up. I hate posting and then not commenting. Uggh. We'll see if I get around to posting this week. THe croatia falls look beautiful. I hope you figure out how to sell things. It would be tricky when in an apartment. We live out a ways, and I always use my in laws garage. OF course that means hauling things to their house. Bigger things I leave and sell on FB.

  8. I grew up an hour or so drive from Niagara.


Dear Anonymous,
Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !