3 Aug 2023


1. Hello August. What's one thing you're looking forward to this month?

Sunshine ! It's a lousy weather here, always rain ! According to the weather report the coldest July and 21 days of rain ! The weather is really badly distributed, in one part of the world you're sweating from the heat and here we're freezing.

2. What are you doing to beat the heat right now? If you live in the southern hemisphere are you enjoying cooler temps or counting the days until summer? 

Are  you kidding ? I sit here with a long sleeve pullover and socks and am thinking if I should turn the heating on, and you ask me what I do against the heat ! And I am not even living in southern hemisphere ! 

3. How do you see the world? 



4. What's food product do you think is better store bought than home made? How about something you refuse to buy because it is so much better homemade? 

I would say it depends on the cook. Some people just can't cook then it is much better to buy it already cooked. 

5. Are you easy to get along with? 

That's a very difficult question, it depends how people see you I am sure that Putin thinks that he is easy to get along with.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

After I made my decision to move to my castle (retirement home) and looked at room nr 13 (!!) I'm in the process of arranging my furniture in the room, since it's so big I might even be able to take my sofas and small table with me. So I keep thinking about it. A big nightmare is to empty the rest !


  1. The weather is a pain - totally unreliable and oh! so English!

  2. I long for rain at this moment in my part of the world. Downsizing is such a difficult a task. All our lives we are gatherers and then one day we realize our treasures need to go. At least you will settle in a place that could be considered a bit more sizable than most. Hopefully your sofas will fit. :)

  3. Wow, that is a lot of rain....we have gone to long without it here. The moving part is always hard, but I hope you enjoy your new place.


Dear Anonymous,
Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !