31 Aug 2023


In most of the countries school starts in in September at the latest. That's a very important event in a child's life ! To sweeten this important day, in Germany, First Graders get a special treat on their first day of school: a Schultüte, a colorful and elaborately decorated cone which is prepared by a students’ parents  or bought filled with goodies such as small school supplies (like pens, pencil cases, erasers, etc.) , toys and candy. 

 These bundles of gifts evoke excitement in students during one of the most important days of their childhood – the day that school begins. 


me at my first school day 1949

As kids make their way to their new classrooms, they proudly carry their Schultüten (school cone) with them. This German tradition originated in the early 1800s in the cities of Jena, Dresden and Leipzig. Back then, parents brought the Schultüten directly to the schools, where they were hung on a so-called Schultütenbaum (“school cone tree”) in the classroom. When the tree was “ripe” with school cones, it meant that students were ready to begin first grade. 

On the first day of school, students were instructed to pick the cone with their name on it. To their surprise, the cones were usually filled with edible treats such as pretzels and candy. Naturally, the tradition spread and evolved over time. Today, students often receive their Schultüten before they leave their homes to go to school – and their cones are often filled with school supplies, rather than candy.

I have no memory at all of this oh so important day, I didn't care about the cone or what was in it, I only wanted to stay home and play with my friends, but these were gone with their Schultüte to school, so I probably followed. (must have been like that because I can write this text !)

Austria, Switzerland (the German speaking part) and the Czech Republic have adopted this fun back-to-school tradition.



  1. What a sweet little 5-year-old!
    Nice idea. The cones seem to have grown over the years!

  2. It's a lovely photo and what a nice memory to not have. I've never heard of the cone tradition.

  3. For my boys it was wonderful. But the first week at school is uncertain, I think. Some children are good readers while some would rather be playing games. Some boys and girls have never seen the opposite sex before. Some crying 5 year olds will be teased.

  4. The cone is supposed to comfort the child ! anyway they are all 6 or 7 years old and can't read yet.. When I went to school boys and girls went in different schools. Today all schools are mixed.

  5. That sounds like such a fun tradition! It looks like the cones have gotten bigger over time.


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Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !