20 Jul 2023


1. What's something bizarre you've seen or heard recently? 

It seems to me that I only see and hear bizzare things. This morning I found a feather in Rosie's water bowl, now can you explain to me how it is possible that a feather arrived in the 4th floor ? Rosie without doubt wanted to wash it first before to play with it.

2. July 18th is National Sour Candy Day. Who knew? Do you like sour candies or other foods with 'sour' flavors? Kimchi, rhubarb, gooseberries, tamarind, dill pickles, sour cherries, sauerkraut, cranberries, and grapefruit...of the sour foods listed which is your favorite? 

I like rhubarb and sauerkraut, but not as a candy ! 

3. Share a favorite memory of an aunt or uncle. 

My American aunt was a chatterbox like me. So when she talked and talked my uncle switched his hearing aid off. After a while she realized that there was no reaction and she screamed HARLAN switch you thing on !!!

4. How would you describe your ability to manage stress? 

That's a difficult question. Normal stress I manage quite good, but the stress of the last years is only coming out now, in form of all kind of diseases, allergy, asthma, etc I hope it will disappear with the time. Sitting at the beach and watching the waves, helps me to forget everything which causes stress. 


5. What do you think about when you let your mind wander? 

About my future, I can't stay alone forever in this (beautiful) but very big apartment. The people here are strange, they don't want to communicate with their neighbors : "each for himself and God for all" that's a French proverb. I tried in the beginning to form a little neighbor group, but after a year they acted like snails, they withdraw in their "houses" again. I am now convinced for my well being to leave this place as soon as I can and move into "my castle" 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Now I can't think about anything else then the forthcoming change in my life ! In one moment I am happy and full of ideas of what I would do there, and then I have dark moments when I think, how can I get rid of all my belongings ? how to organize the move and then the address change it will all start over again, like three years ago when we moved from our house to the apartment. Rick couldn't help anymore and I did it alone with friends. But now ?  





  1. I like the french proverb, as there's truth in it: ' each for himself and God for all'. At a certain age, one can't rely on friends and neighbors. The optimal solution is to live close to family ( children and siblings) if there's any.. Protective living facilities are not much better.

  2. All change for you again. It will be well, I'm sure, and good for you to have more like-minded people around you.

  3. Each phase of life presents challenges and stresses. Lucky enough to live by the water, I also am soothed by letting my thoughts toss in the waves.

  4. I find sitting in front of the ocean calming too. I'm sure a move feels daunting, but perhaps the change will be positive for you and you'll find some new friends there.

  5. That is kind of odd for sure about the feather. too funny about your uncle. I hope you can find a place to live that will allow you to flourish and with a community of people who want relationship.


Dear Anonymous,
Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !