4 May 2023


1. What's something you 'may' do this month? 

I will do a cruise on the Danube and am really looking forward to be on the ship and admire the landscapes !

2. "All things seem possible in May"~Edwin Way Teale. Do you agree? Elaborate. If not May, then in which month if any would you say all things seem possible? 

I have no idea, I am expecting nothing except to learn to walk on one leg and feel better.The month I don't care, as soon as possible for sure.

3. April showers bring May flowers...is this true where you live? What's your favorite color of the rainbow? Your favorite May bloom? Do you enjoy visiting gardens? What's a 'famous' garden you'd like to visit? 

Yes the rainy April brought a lot of flowers everywhere. I love rainbows in its whole, but my favorite color is red/orange.


My favorite May flower is the Lilly of the Valley. It is the use in Belgium and France to offer on first of May which is "labor" day here. a little bouquet of them or a virtual card. 

There are so many parks in Belgium they are all beautiful. I have no preference. Brussels is one of the greenest cities in Europe.  This one is the closest to my building.

4. Are you a fan of the Star Wars series of films? If so how many have you seen? (I think there are 12) Are you a fan of the sci-fi genre in general, in either books or movies? What's your favorite sci-fi book or movie? 

I don't like sci-fi movies in general and have never seen or looked at Star Wars. I am completely ignorant.

5. Cinco de Mayo lands on Friday of this week...do you enjoy Mexican food? How often? Do you eat out or make your own? Your favorite thing to order in a Mexican restaurant? Have you ever been to Mexico? 

Cinco de Mayo is not known in Belgium. I had to check what it was and learned "commemorates Mexico's unexpected victory over France in the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862."  

I know Mexican food, and like it !

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I am thinking of my cruise and prepare everything which has to be done here at home, like feeding little Rosie and watering flowers, pay invoices and try not to forget something. For the suitcase I have a list and only have to pack it.




  1. Your tr.ip looks great. A cruise is a great way of seeing lots of places without the need to constantly pack and unpack.

  2. I had lily-of-the-valley in the garden for a few years, but it's disappeared, sadly.

  3. We had a rainy and cool April.

  4. I also like Lilly of the Valley.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  5. I like the look of that cruise. You will be visiting lots of interesting places.

  6. I love Lily of the Valley. They remind me of my grandma.


Dear Anonymous,
Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !