24 Apr 2023



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On Saturday I woke up with a big cold. My nose was running, and I felt lousy ! I thought I should call my son and tell him not to come, but the thought of being alone and sick was even worse. So I called him and said I was sick and couldn't do anything, I couldn't even go shopping and my fridge was empty.

Fortunately he is a practical boy and there are no problems that cannot be solved. He did the shopping in Amsterdam before they left, fortunately, because they arrived quite late due to a lot of traffic on Saturday afternoons ! 

I was happy that they finally arrived, and the problem of preparing supper was quickly solved, he bought three pizzas, while I hang "half dead" on the sofa, with a mountain of tissues around me !

I had asked him to come and help to prepare the terrace for summer. It was still prepared for winter, Unfortunately it rained and it was impossible to fold the enormous plastic cover and put it away. We hoped for the next day.

When I got up feeling even worse than the day before I finally managed to crawl out of my bed and found the apartment empty. The two had let me sleep and had gone out for breakfast. 

To my surprise the cover of the garden furniture was hanging in the sunshine to dry and the chairs and table stood at their place ! They were really lucky, because an hour later it rained !

The time flew by and after a delicious pita we watched a bit TV and despite the fact that I still felt awful we had fun and let me forget that my nose was still running like the Niagara falls.

And then they left, I waved goodbye behind the closed window, and then fell on my sofa with the intention to watch a little movie and rest, instead I fell asleep and woke up 3 h later !


  1. Sleep is the best thing to do when you feel miserable. How nice they still came and helped you out with so many things.

  2. I take it that's Toby upside down! Children like to have a different perspective.

    Take it easy and get better soon x

  3. Awww on the kitties. They are such wonderful family members.

    I'm sorry you're sick, but ever so glad your son and grandson took care of you. That rocks. Get better soon. You have a cruise to do soon.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Gattina. ♥

  4. Good thing they came to help you feel better. Hoping you are back to best health soon.

  5. Awwww what sweetness that your son came regardless of your cold! Darling photos! Aren't you lucky!

  6. I haven't heard of the saying running like Niagara falls, for ages.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  7. You poor thing feeling so sick on your own. It was so good of Dario to still come and help you. Toby is so big even upside down. Fox has shot up too and getting even harder to control with his autism and teenage grumps.


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