1. Have you ever been on a cruise? If so where did you go and how did you like it? If not, do you have any desire to take a cruise someday?
Yes and it was wonderful ! We cruised through the Mediterranean Sea. We started in Rome, went to Turkey, Malta, Sicily, Italy etc I really can't remember because it has been a very long time ago I think in 1999 ! Therefore I don't have a lot of photos. It was a huge ship a floating city. There was everything on board and I played in the Casino each evening and won my pocket money for the next day ! Now my dream is to make a cruise to the Northern Lights in Norway/Iceland.
2. Tell us about your Thanksgiving plans...are you hosting? cooking? eating out? turkey or some other main? is it stuffing or dressing in your house? homemade cranberries or cranberries in a can? are pies on the dessert menu? what kind? what are your 'must have' sides? Tell us one thing you're especially grateful for this year.
That's easy ! We have no Thanksgiving as our ancestors remained in Europe, the poor Turkey is safe until Christmas !

This is one my son has prepared for Christmas we were only six. We had to eat turkey the whole week !
3. If someone approaches you and asks for money do you give it to them? Do you drop money 'in a tin cup' that belongs to a person on the street? Do you have a specific charity you support during the holiday season and/or year round?
No I don't give money. Those who are really poor are too proud to ask people on the street. If the person is hungry I would buy something to eat. I don't drop money in a tin cup or whatever, I seldom have cash with me and no coins either. I give clothes, toys, food for a home for battered women but I don't give money.
4. Have you started decorating for Christmas? Is your tree up? Shopping done? Wrapped?
No, nothing. I'm scared of Christmas this year. It will be the first without Rick. I am afraid of being hurt because I feel so weak and very sensitive.
5. Create your own acrostic using the word THANKS.
T is for a special time
h is for happiness
a is for an appealing smile
n is for a naturally brilliant mind
k is for no more kilograms
s is for being smart
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I have no special thoughts I am fed up of the world cup football (soccer) which is in Qatar. Not only I don't like football but whenever you switch on you TV there is football ! In all languages and on all channels ! It's crazy. As soon as I see a player or a ball I switch channel. As if there were not more important things to do.
Our electricity and gas bills increase tremendously and a lot of people have not enough money to pay the bills and little shops or bakeries have to close. And then for a stupid football game a whole artificial town is cooled down from more than 30°C to a normal temperature. I wonder if these machos want to show the world that they have a lot of money. They don't know anything about human rights in their own country.
Our Mediterranean cruise in 2017 was wonderful, Barcelona to Rome. No, I don't give money to beggars. I am enjoying seeing what a disaster the FIFA World Cup had become. Who thought Qatar was a good idea, except for corrupt FIFA officials.
ReplyDeleteOne of our best holidays was a cruise - along the Norwegian coast but we didn't see the Northern Lights. Yes I'm already fed up with the football too. I'm sure this Christmas will be a challenging time for you. I hope you can make some plans to stay occupied at least and not on your own.
ReplyDeleteI get seasick on boats/ships, so no cruise for me. A cruise to Norway, Iceland - sounds fascinating!
ReplyDeleteI agree with your thoughts on the current host country of the World Cup.
ReplyDeleteA wonderful memory to cherish from when you are on that cruise. I have not ever been on one.
ReplyDeleteMaybe your son and family will help you not be alone over Christmas? Or maybe all your friends who are widows/widowers can have a bit of a gathering.
We just watched the US vs. England game. My daughter went to uni with one of the players on the US team so we were more excited than we normally might have been. Not a lot happens in these games though! I hope you feel a sense of peace this holiday season. Losses are more keenly felt this time of year I believe and I will be thinking of you.