5 Oct 2018


I like to watch crime series, not the bloody once where the ketchup flows over the screen but the more intelligent once with a lot of psychology. Modern versions of Agatha Christie for example.

What makes me angry is, that a suspect who doesn't share the bedroom with his wife or husband is immediately suspicious, because he or she don't know when he or she go to bed and therefore has no alibi.

Now why on earth couples have to share one bed or one room to be respectable ? If there is enough room in the house and they have different working hours or because one snores like a chainsaw and the partner suffers a lack of sleep, why not ?

The fact that a couple has to share the same room not to be considered as a possible murder is because most of us don't have 10 or 20 rooms available. In the past and probably also in the present the upper class and the royals have separate bedrooms, at the latest when one or both start to snore, or one has a light sleep and wanders around the whole night, or watches TV. 

Therefore sharing or not a bed or a bedroom doesn't put a stamp on a couple. It doesn't mean that they are not madly in love. Anyway it is important to have a good sleep, otherwise your killer instincts can appear !

Linking to Fiveminute Friday


  1. I can see the logic in that! :)

  2. LOL the cartoon is so funny! I think it's perfectly fine not to share bed to get a better sleep :-)

  3. Your neighbor at FMF. Interesting post!

  4. Funny cartoons. I agree with you about the bedrooms.

  5. Each to their own everyone should do what is right for them. Love the cartoon.

  6. I agree. Murder is more likely to be committed on a partner if you don't get good sleep.

  7. "Anyway it is important to have a good sleep, otherwise your killer instincts can appear!"

    Now THIS I can get behind.

    I agree with you - marriages and relationships should serve the people in them, not the people on the outside of them. I now a couple who have been married 53 years, and they keep separate bedrooms. Not because they don't like each other, but because there's a spark for them, in sneaking into each other's bedrooms. I think that's lovely and sweet.

  8. What an interesting spin on the prompt! But yes, I've been around long enough to know that people assume there are problems when a couple does not share a room. My husband and I will not hesitate to go to the sofa when one of us is sick so the other person can get a good night's rest.

    And I read the comment about the couple who enjoy sneaking into each other's rooms. How romantic! I wish we had enough rooms to do that. :)

  9. On occasion either my sister or a friend has had to share my bed and it's like lying next to an oven! They move, they steal the blankets, they make noise. I completely understand not sharing a bed(room).

  10. Yes I understand what you mean. A good night's sleep is always important is one is to be in a good temper the nest day.

  11. Love the cartoon. Hubby and I usually share a bed but there is the option of the spare bed if either of us is snoring too much or like when I first injured my knee and just didn't want to risk him knocking it.

  12. LOL! We like that kind of mysteries too. But we did watch the historical "soap opera" from BBC called Downton Abbey. There was a lot of controversy because the Earl and his wife shared a bedroom. IT was written into the show that most upperclass English did no,, but the wife was American and so they did.


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