30 Jan 2011


Yesterday I petted Rosie and suddenly my middle finger hurt and I saw a black tiny spot. At a closer look : it was a flea !! I shaked my finger, the flea fell on the white tiles where fortunately I could see it so I stamped on it with my whole weight and then checked if it was really dead !

Disgusting ! and that in winter ! I always put an anti flea product on my cats except in winter, because a normal flea should freeze to dead and not living in a cat fur flat and then moving on my middle finger, which started to itch. And if he lives there with his family ??

I ran in the kitchen, picked up the flea product, one for each cat and started the treatment. Rosie was very upset and ran away. Pookie only opened an eye and said nothing and Arthur hissed ! Unthankful cats ! they prefer to house fleas !

And then my misery started. Although it had only been ONE single flea, suddenly my whole body itched. My arms, my legs and my belly where no flea had any access, because they were covered with layers and layers of clothing, and even for a very mobile flea impossible to get through. I checked thoroughly, of course there was no flea bite or any black flea like spot. Nevertheless it itched.

It even itched after a shower, a fresh pajama and fresh bedsheets ! Now I think it might by psychological.


  1. I wouldn't expect fleas to live through a very cold winter, but if they've stayed in the house, they might. Fortunately, we don't have fleas here in frigid sub-Arctic Alberta. When we travel with Lindy, we'll have to get flea medication for her.
    When I lived on the west coast, I was forever combing fleas out of my cats, but they never bit me.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  2. They must be climate change fleas.
    Arctic Alberta is looking like a good place to live.

  3. Maybe they jumped from the cat into your clothing???
    Thats terrible

  4. I use flea and tick treatment only during the summermonths as well, although as soon as I see Mathilda scratch herself, I will get the drops out! She hates them as well and will not have anything to do with me for a whole day after! Silly cat.

  5. Oh tell me...........I know just what that is like. The power of suggestion!!!! And guess what...my nose itches!!! You've gone and done it now.

    Thank you for visiting with me this past week. Since I've not been around on the computer much I'm trying to stop by and visit with my blogging buddies today and sending along wishes for your upcoming week...that it be a happy one!!!

  6. Here we have to use flea treatment all the year!!!And particulary when the cats will arrive at the apartment!

  7. Oh I would have tossed them all out into the snow and then gotten the flea bombs for the house. Then taken Hubby for a walk, while the bombs went off. Then bathed him and me with flea soap, then each and every cat (or dogs) until all fleas were dead! Oh, how I hate fleas. I think I even scratch here for you!

  8. Tea Tree might be a start. Supposedly fleas hate it and cats will tolerate it.

    Garlic was another idea, but I'm not sure cats like that...

  9. Oh, I so recognize that feeling! I once thought I had got fleas from a daycare to my sisters kids! Oh my, both of us plus my poor dog had to go through a horrible bath of a anti-flea product. Looking through my hair took for ever & we had to clean all house... phew! Nothing found, but I read that heat or freeze could help, so some things went into the fridge (lol) and we had to book a time in the local sauna anyway.... just to be on the safe side... *giggles*

  10. goodness reading this made me itch as well ; ) as if there is a flea as well...

    those fleas are tough!


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