24 Aug 2009

FUN MONDAY - Back to School

Our host this week is Faye and she wants to know about our past or present "Back to School" feelings, if we still learn etc.

When I went to school, there was no "Back to School" at all. I went to school in Bonn (Germany) and then in the German school in Brussels. At that time the school year ended at Easter. Then we had 5 weeks holidays and school started again. That was it. If something new was needed, it was bought, the books I think we got from school but I don't remember at all. I never liked school not the primary school not the highschool, I don't even know how I slipped through all that. I went to school for chatting, meet my friends and have fun, which was not at all appreciated by my teachers. Without knowing apparently I even learned quite a lot. I only was good in things which I liked, that was history, english and German because I loved to write. I even started a book at 13, but I don't find it anymore.

Then I became a "self made woman" that suited me much better then the restrictions of a school system. I learned French during my studies as "Commercial Correspondent". I improved my school English by working in American Companies. I learned Italian because I had an Italian boyfriend and later an Italian husband. With 4 languages, life was quite easy.

In 89 I rediscovered my love for painting and went to Art School, where I stayed as long as possible by doubling and tripling classes, which made me a total of almost 10 years. I didn't want any diploma, it was just for fun. After that I continued in painting classes organized by our city until today.

End 2005 I discovered Computer and Internet, in 2006 I slipped into blogging without knowing what it was and of course without knowing anybody. Then I learned every day a bit. Html, creating headers and decorate my blogs. When I write about a country or city I do researches not to write stupidities. With blogging I also discovered photography and this is my last study so far. I think I am learning every day. I want to know what is new on the market in the computer and camera world, the only thing I am not interested in at all are sophisticated mobiles which allow you also to make a call. Or I pods or MP3.

Conclusion : Since the day I left school, I started learning and I am far away from having finished !

From 1989 til 2008, workshops, Expositions, School

and even once in the local Newspaper (Chat means Cat in french)

For the moment I do more photography then painting, but I still have new paintings to add to my Painting Blog


  1. Wonderful post. I'm so glad you learned computers and the internet. You can never ever learn to much :) Aloha

  2. I really, really REALLY love your line "Since the day I left school, I started learning........."

    EXCELLENT Gattina.

    Great post.
    Mine's now published and ready for viewing if you'd like to stop by. Have a great day.

  3. Like Hootin'Anni i adore your line!!! I was in the same feeling when I was a little girl. I became il and ill and could just go one week to school and after the doctor said my mother I had to stay at home several days. But one day, i changed of town and school. Tje new teacher was so nice that I began to love school and you see now I'm teacher. my last post speak about a painting exhibition in Ollioules! But it's my sister who is at the painting school!

  4. My grandmother told me once, "The day you stop learning something new, is the day you die!"
    I think perhaps she was very right!

  5. "I never let school interfere with my education." --Mark Twain

    Oh. I think I fall into the category of posting "stupidities."

  6. You do seem to have learned a lot. I had a Professor in Seminary who said when you get out in the Parish real learning will start as you talk to the people who have walked with Christ for years. He was right.

  7. don't forget to answer the question about the atonium in brussells...do it for teaching me and your kids and me the big kid in the front row only 67 years old going on 39

  8. Thank goodness we no longer "finish" our education with high school or college. You are a perfect example of being a self-taught student, only restricted by your many interests. I'm so proud of we "older" students and how we've embraced the whole world of technology. How dull our lives would be without it. Here's to many more years of learning whatever pleases you, Gattina.

  9. What a very interesting life you have. I felt the same about school also. You are a self taught learner like a lot of us bloggers. You have a special talent for painting and can see how much you enjoy it. I love your line..about posting "stupidities (just the facts mame) Thanks for sharing Gattina. I am hosting next week so come on over this wed. and sign up. :)

  10. Gattina I loved reading about all your learning experiences and your paintings certainly reflect your love of cats.

    Also I just wanted to say that I am so enjoying seeing all the pictures on your recent posts. You probably didn't see my post about trekking with Llamas in the Forest of Dean. The guy also has camels but they weren't with us on the day we went.

  11. This post does not surprise me - not ONE little bit! I would never imagine someone as artistic as you to LIKE school! School and the artistic mind do NOT go together! This is why I did not like it, and why my young Derek hated it as well! But to seek knowledge on one's own is MUCH better anyway - and it is the knowledge that stays with us!

  12. School isn't the only place for learning. A lot of people don't learn much until they leave! Or maybe they don't recognize it. I actually learned a lot in school - just didn't apply it the way I should have.

    I love your paintings!

  13. What a fun post - your paintings are beautiful!

    I enjoyed every word!


  14. I loved school but like you, I've learnt a lot more since then, too. Life's fun isn't it and just full of interesting things to do, without being regimented in classrooms.

    Great post, Gattina.

  15. I love the fact that I'm learning something new practically every day.

    With me, it's about the craft of writing, but I love the thought of learning to paint too.

  16. Dear Gattina, love this post,, My Mum always said your never to old to learn. She was still doing puzzles up to a week before she died aged 93. im still learning at 70..excellent..

  17. I have no clue where I would go from where I am. I'm too tired to anything new. Which is terribly sad. Seems like you are going gangbusters, though, which is great. Good for you!

  18. I agree, I'm just like you, I teach myself, and harte shools. And the Internet has taught me so much!


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