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This year I make an exception and make resolutions for 2010. I never had made resolutions, because I don't keep them anyway, but these once are special
My 13 resolutions for 2010
1. I will always replace the gas nozzle before driving away from the pump. Happened twice to me and I was wondering why people waved at me like they were escaped from a madhouse
2. I will always take toilet paper with me, sometimes it's missing in public toilets. I wonder if people take the roll with them due to the actual economical crisis.
3. I will avoid to talk about global warming, because it snows now in winter and it is warm in summer. (what we didn't have before global warming)
4. I will not stop smoking my 10-12 cigarettes per day, even if the whole world is concerned about my health
5. I will always appreciate emails like "VIAGRA Best Supplier for Gattina's personal 80 % off" ! (Please jump on this opportunity)
6. I will accept with pleasure the offer to put a total of " US $ 5million through diplomatic means" in my bank account from a caring Mr Mallam Alhad 32 Rue Avenue du Independence Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (please note that it is either Rue or Av. de l'Indépendance, poor guy has money but can't write correctly) BTW do you kow Ouagadougou ?? Maybe it's a nice place to live !
7. I will make 1000 $ cash per day as proposed by Mr. Brian F. di Caprio (brother of the other ???) Founder of CB-United 206-245-2603 (Cell) (he didn't explain how, but that's just a detail)
8. I will accept to make $75 - $250 every single day just by clicking on my mouse ! (I click and click)
9. I will accept to earn $10 - $50 per movie trailer that I preview - and up to $ 50per week for driving your car! (do you have insurance ?)
10. I will accept the 3 weeks Bahama cruise all included I won, without playing
11. I will accept the 1000 $ Wallmart gift card, the only trouble is Walmart hasn't implanted itself in Europe yet. Poor Walmart has to wait until I get to the States
12. I will accept the 1 million £ I won in the British Lottery without playing, miracles happen !
13. So I decided that from all this, my only New Year resolution is: 1200 by 400 pixels!
A big THANK YOU to a certain Mr. リア友 who honors my post with doubtful dirty comments in chinese, which I unfortunately don't understand. Sorry Mr. リア友 you should choose posts in chinese and make chinese speaking girls happy !
PS. If you need money just write ! I have more then enough now !