30 Nov 2008


More participants here at Sarcastic Mom Weekly winners

When I think that I took these pictures yesterday at the Red Sea in Egypt and today it is grey and cold outside, it's unbelievable that there are only 4 1/2 h separating the cold weather in Brussels with this warm sunshine !

While our kids ran around half naked, for the little Egyptians it was winter and therefore they were dressed with pullovers and thick jackets !


  1. C'est agréable de voir tes photos estivales! J'ai pris un bain il y a deux semaines et depuis je traine une bronchite et sinusite! Mais évidemment je me suis laissée trompée par le chaud soleil de novembre! Maintenant il fait vraiment frais! Je comprends les Egyptiens! Si l'été ils ont des températures de plus de 45 en plein soleil à 30 ils se couvrent! Cette semaine je ne me suis pas connectée car j'étais fatiguée avec cette crève et le boulot à l'école où on a commencé à fond les travaux manuels de Noël!

  2. I remember when my sis lived in Montana -- and the weather would warm from -15 f below up into the low 20's... All the kids would run around outside with just shirts. Amazing how we acclimate

  3. Oh, dear, I get a message in your background: bandwidth exceeded (Photobucket)!!
    Glad you had a nice vacation, you have sunny memories and all those great shots!!
    Happy Monday and welcome home!


Dear Anonymous,
Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !