7 Sept 2007


Using only one word, how does grocery shopping make you feel?

Can't tell the word I would be flagged


What is your favorite part about the season of Autumn?

Favorite part ?? Nothing, I just hate autumn and would rather move to a sunny warm country where the leaves remain green !!

Have you ever had any bad experiences online?

Not one I can think of, spams and porn pop ups I don't consider as a bad experience. It's an experience to read them and laugh.

Main Course
Name three things that make you happy daily.

My cats when they play, my cats when they sleep, my room since I have it redecorated. Other things make me happy but I couldn't say daily !

What one household cleansing or organizing item would you not want to be without?

For that question I have to ask my servants ! I only sit here and look at finished work !


  1. I bet your room looks great since it was redecorated--funny appetizer :) Have a great weekend.

  2. I enjoyed another humorous and creative feast. Do you really have servants? Liked the cartoon!

  3. Your answers are always so delightful. This week is no exception. WONDERFUL feast.

  4. no autumn here, but it gets to be so hot and humid at times ... lol.

  5. Hey, you redid your site! I like it.

    How can you hate autumn? I love it. I love the hot weather and being in the outdoor pool, but I also love the crisp air, the leaves changing colors and being able to build a fire again. And then there's Thanksgiving & that means pumpkin PIE. I will have some this year. It will be the first pie I've had since LAST year. :-)

  6. Love the cartoon! My mother-in-law always teases me because I spend so much time "cleaning for the cleaning lady" :)

  7. I like all those happy orange dots!
    LOL: grocery shopping!
    I don't have a cleaning lady and I see my friends madly cleaning the day before theirs come...so I don't see the point.
    It's always green in my area, Gattina, as we have pine trees. It gets boring! I know, we are never satisfyied

  8. I live on a hill with pine trees: they are responsible for a very acid soil and therefore I can't grow many plants. That's why I take my camera to take pics of the neighbors' gardens , the ones who live in the "flat land". No grass in our garden: cactus, two hibiscus, a tiny bougainvilla , rocks and a few pots of plants!

  9. Great answers I should say. Great feast too.

  10. LOVE your dessert! Now that's my kinda housework!! Over here in America, we have a hired hand too....called Mr. Clean.

    [psssssst, if you don't know it, it's a cleanser, not a hired man. Tho he IS kinda cute!!!]

  11. I forgot to answer your question about Winston's photo for today....it's a toad[frog] he's trying to capture. Sorry 'bout that.....I've gotten to the phase of HALFheimers....not quite fully ALLSheimers yet, but getting there.

  12. Hi Gattina, as always your posts
    never cease to amaze me. Harharhar always funny and witty :) I love the cartoon reminds me of my friend and neighbor who both have much stress before the cleaning lady comes - because then they have to organize and clean their homes because they are ashamed what the cleaning lady would think of them! And that is no cartoon!
    By the way, you are right to wonder if I am still alive! Been so busy lately and so tired! What a bunch of kids we have this year!

  13. I think I know what your appetizer is. LOL!!

    Happy Friday! :D

  14. Great feast :) Have a terrific weekend!

  15. You crack me up. Love the comic!

  16. Your Friday's Feast always gives me a giggle! You need to move to South Africa - our Autumns and Winters are the best!

  17. Your Friday's Feast always gives me a giggle! You need to move to South Africa - our Autumns and Winters are the best!

  18. It would be grand to have a housekeeper... Maybe someday. Have a great FF and weekend. :)

  19. I'm with you on your dessert, but I don't have servants, just lots of dust!

  20. LOL on your app & dessert! Nice feast!

  21. Another fun feast! Enjoyed the cartoon. Have a great weekend!

  22. Great Feast!! Loved the comic strip too...that reminded me of my mother:) Happy FF.

  23. I think I like autumn because it's a transition season and I can't really decide whether it's worse to be too hot or too cold. :D

  24. Love your dessert!

  25. Coucou Gattina!
    Depuis 8 h 20 du matin jusqu'à 16h30 j'ai l'impressin d'être passé dans un rouleau compresseur!
    Ces adorables enfants-roi! Demain j'ai une réunion avec leur parents!!!
    Ne pas dire:"Votre enfant était agité." mais "Le pauvre, l'après midi était longue pour lui. On sentait que ça devenait un peu difficile!" Et surtout ne pas expliciter le "on sentait"...
    Je vais essayer de faire une photo sur le thème de la musique. Anaïs a une guitare dans sa chambre!

  26. I had to answer Mr L at several of those questions... which ones? Have a guess! *giggles*

  27. Oh and:

    Sunday and Monday is already planned as you can see in the end of my latest post, so IF you could choose another day for Croydon it would be better, so we’re spreading it a bit.

    Butt If you can’t, we’ll have it on Sunday anyway.

    Just let me know :-)

  28. HA! HA! HAHAHAHAHA! You are SO funny! Well... you go ask your servants... I'll wait! I'm anxious to hear THEIR answer!!! ROFL!!!

  29. Grocery shopping makes me feel hungry and wishing I had a cook! I love the colours and crispness of fall.

  30. how much do you pay those servants.
    I'm thinking I could use a paid holiday..

  31. hi! this is long over due. lolz! anyway, thanks for the comments on my feast. try visiting our country so you won't experience autumn and winter. :) great feast!


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