14 Jul 2007


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The culprits

When I woke up this morning I thought today I will write something very nice I really will do an effort ! And while I was thinking about what I could write I stretched out my arms hit the lamp on my bedside table which made it fall on the floor with a loud noise. At almost the same time my cats sleeping on my bed jumped in all directions.

Kitten Rosie jumped on my printer, hit the there standing vase filled with water and flowers which landed on the parquet spilling water all over the carpet and under my desk. That made me jump out of the bed making @&!#@! sounds.

Now really awoken I stumbled in the kitchen to pick up a rag but before I arrived there I stepped into something which one of my cats had left there as proof of an indigestion. As I didn't realize this first it stuck on my slippers and left traces until my arrival in the kitchen. There I was greated by three hungry cats who meowed for breakfast. I fed the cats pushed the button for the coffee maker, picked up the rag noticed my traces and %@"!&@ came again out of my throat.

Then I cleaned the indigestion souvenir, my traces, the water from the parquet and carpet and put the flowers back in the vase.

Now I am sitting here with a cup of coffee, to gather my spirits but all my good writing intentions are gone and all I am able to put on paper, sorry my post is this.

There are mornings you better don't move in your bed !


  1. awwwwww H.A.I.R.B.A.L.L


    plus all that other hullabaloo.
    What a day!

  2. ooopps not really a way to start the morning, but then again this way, you actually don't need coffee to wake up.. all that energy and %@"!&@ is enough to wake a sleepy head :) happy weekend!
    btw, i didn't realize that yesterday was a friday the 13th, till i read your comment. after that i closed my door, as soon as baghira got home. well we never know if the neighbors are superstitious so better to keep that black cat away from the streets.

  3. What a dreadful way to wake up - hope your day will be better hour after hour and that the coffee made your good:-)

    The shadow pics where great - I just loved the first one on ruin in Troy!

    I'm sitting here in the kitchen with Tor and the rest of the house is quiet. We haven't even got dressed, so you might say the day hasn't actually started. We are canoeing today as well, so I'm so excited you know:-)

  4. I'm laughing at your attempt or at least good thoughts of trying to find something good to write about. But y'know something?----This was a hoot. I'm laughing 'cause I have had this stuff happen to me all the time...especially the cat leaving surprises like that and always me---stepping in it.

    Hope your day got better as the hours passed.

  5. Gattina, I'm laughing so much. I can imagine the cats going in all directions then you saying naughty things. You sound like me...lol!

    It sure was Friday 13th for you. Maybe you should have stayed in bed.

  6. Ah, ah!!!! I imagine all! it would better to be just a bad dream! Il y a des jours comme ça! Alors peut être tu peux jouer au loto, aujourd'hui! Je n'avais pas l'intention de mettre des drapeaux partout! Juste faire un billet pour expliquer pourquoi en France le 14 juillet, y a un beau feu d'artifice dans toutes les villes et des bals! Et puis le grand défilé sur les Champs Elysées avec not pot Sarkokenstein! Mais j'ai eu un problème d'évier bouché et depuis hier j'attendais le plombier!
    Il est enfin apparu ce matin devant ma porte! Heureusement que je me suis levée tôt!

  7. Poor Gattina! At least you weren't barefoot! Horrible Friday 13 for you...Have a better weekend, please!

  8. Hi Gattina, you just brightened my evening Im laughing so much the tears are trickling down my face. Oh what a start to your day cats getting a fright water everywere Stepping in you know what I hope you had slippers on.Hope your day improved . Haveagoodweekend

  9. yes that was pretty funny. And it's great to have such wonderful cats! thanks for the wonderful story with the hunt.

    and for visiting me! :)

  10. OMG, Ingrid, I am so sorry, but I am laughing myself silly at your description. You sure did have a bad start to the day. Hope it got better !!
    Take care, Meow

  11. Hmmm.....sounds like Friday the 13 turned into Saturday the 14th!! What a way to start the day!

    I got a really big chuckle out of your description though. Thanks!

  12. Your description gave me a laugh this morning. I hope that your day improved as the day moved on.

    Have a Great day!Drop by:

  13. It might not have been a good morning for you but it made me laugh!

    Hope you've had a good weekend.

  14. lol, I hope you had a better end to your day than the beginning.


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