19 Jul 2007


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Pookie listens now what kitten Rosie has to say

I found these quotes on a german blog, where a mum had collected a lot of quotes from children and found them so funny that I picked out 13 and translated them for you :

1. I don't need any caugh sirop, I can caugh without

2. A peach is like an apple covered with a carpet

3. When I drink a soda I always have farts in my mouth

4. For potatoe salad the potatoes have to be naked

5. Chinese eat with fish sticks

6. My little brother's dirty diapers are worse than liver

7. Mum always puts cream on her belly, so that the baby inside doesn't get stripes

8. Do mums have to eat grass so that they get milk in their breasts ?

9. If you sweat, your skin becomes leaky and water gets out

10. What do men become if all women in heaven are angels ?

11. If you want children you have to marry or have sex.

12. I have curls, dad has curls only mum has hairs

13.Every time I complain to my mom that I'm bored, she tells me to go clean my room.


  1. These are really funny quotes, Gattina! Hahahah

    Happy TT :)

  2. hahaha... good compilation!
    had me cracking up!:D

  3. Very cute list. I like to hear what children have to say about things. These are differnt...

  4. An apple covered with carpet! Love it! I'll never look at a peach the same way.

  5. Those are great! My favorites are 1, 2 and 8.

  6. A kid will say it well every time. I love them. I remember one exam answer where the kid wrote that one of the great explorers (can't remember who) "circumsized the world with a 12 foot cutter"!

  7. these made me smile and laugh! Thank you for sharing Gattina.

  8. Those are very cute! :) I like the one about the peach. :)

  9. my eyes are leaking. laughing silently will do that. lot of good it did because i still shook the bed. i knew i should have waited until ed gets up for work to return your visit.

  10. Les enfants perçoivent les choses d'une bien jolie manière! C'est toujours rafraichissant! Cette après midi, j'emmène ma plus jeune à la plage des surfeurs avec sa copine à Hyère. C'est une très jolie ville, il y a quelques salins là-bas. Mis je suis fatiguée, j'ai emmené l'autre hier soir avec sa copine pour une soirée karaoké et je suis retournée les chercher à 1 h du matin! on s'est encore pas couché avant 2 h et demi! Bon je vais prendre un p'tit café! C'est un bon, avec le commerce équitable (petite consolation!)

  11. That's hilarious! Kids say and think the funniest things!

  12. Priceless! Kids DO say the cutest things! And number one makes SO much sense! I'm with him on that!!!

  13. Oh ya....
    #6 is from me too! LOL

  14. #3 is me, my son would say: eeewww mommy you stinky. I just can't drink soda's they make me burp so much.

    Awesome 13 list, thanks for the plenty of laughs.


  15. I agree with your lists. They are funny. I love #s 1, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11,13. They really are so cute and funny.
    Mine is up too.

  16. *LOL* I love children's quotes: simple, wise and so true!
    Thanks for visiting my full moon TT.
    Btw, I love all the Rosie pics!!

  17. Kids are so honest I love the things they say. I'm so looking forward to Fay being able to talk more and say cute things like that, and I'll soon have a 13 list of my own to share.
    A girlfriend of mine was reading my blog and yours and said to tell you she's been to Waterloo, she has a friend that lives in Leon(?) or Leion(?) and they were in W'loo several times. She was happy and surprised to know I know someone where she's been! Such a small world isn't it!!

  18. Hi Gattina ~~ Children surely tell it how it is -- good cute quotes.
    Thanks for your comments - I was interested to hear that you have similar cows in Brussells.
    I always cook lots of meal on one day - I would go crazy if I had to cook one main meal every day, so I always do a lot at a time. Then I don't have to cook for a few days. I like to have some in the freezer in case of visitors, or if I was unwell or late home, just grab and heat. Try it sometime, maybe not 12 but several. Take care, Love, Merle.

  19. How funny! Loved your list. Love the one about eating grass so the mom can produce milk.

  20. Those are terribly funny, aren't kids the greatest??

    D :)

  21. Very funny - thanks for sharing!

    #11 reminds me of Winnie the Pooh saying yes thanks to both:-)

  22. Those are priceless! *LOL*
    I´ve had an aplle with a carpet on it today, as well as (soda) farts in my mouth. =)

  23. Ooops... ich hatte vergessen zu sagen, wie gut mir Dein neuer Header gefällt! Super gelungen - oder aber, im Rückblick auf mein 80er-posting, GEIL!

    Was den besen mit Stiel angeht, das ist so eine Sache. Ich war um 6 Uhr NOCH auf, nicht "schon". Luis schläft bis 8, halb neun... Aber im Moment schlafe ich sehr schlecht... liegt wohl am Wetter ;)

  24. LOL #3 is priceless LOL Great TT list!

  25. Number 13 is very familiar! Number 6 is funny!

  26. ROFL. great list. Thank you for sharing it.

  27. Kids say the most interesting things. I wish I would have written down some of the doozies my kids said when they were younger.

  28. Ohoi, everybody knows that number 8 is the plain thruth - like the stork;)

    Great entry again

  29. Ha ha ha. too too cute. Thanks for checking out my T13. I think I got my pronunciation of fragile from that movie "A Christmas Story". Ever since I heard it said that way, it's the only way I can think of it. Have a great weekend!

  30. haha, that is so funny :) I like number 13 and number 8 of course :)


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