26 Jan 2008


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I have been tagged by Deana and herewith do my duty !

1. I love travelling. I feel like Christopher Columbus discovering other countries and cities
I hate to be locked in my house and unable to go out because of the bad weather

2. I love sunshine and a blue sky, and warmth
I hate rainy days and cold, and even snow !

3. I love my car to go everywhere I want to
I hate hiking or walking for nothing, only when I can discover things

4. I love all animals which I can pet mice, rats and snakes included
I hate all insects

5. I love to go to expositions, in the theatre, watching musical shows etc.
I hate to go to fairs of any kind, except maybe antiques

6. I love to chat with everybody, the selection I do later
I hate silence

7. I love to swim in my fitness club where the water is warm
I hate to get water in my face or when somebody is splashing around. I have to admit I swim like an old grandma

8. I love to sit on the terrace of a café and watch people walking by
I hate to sit inside when the weather is nice

9. I love to read other blogs and learn every day
I hate people who only live in the past and refuse everything new

10. I love funny people who enjoy life
I hate people who complain about their health the whole day and have no other subject of conversation.

Please tag yourself, I am too lazy for it.

Yours truly,

Her Royal Highness Gattina the Lush of Happy Bottomshire


  1. You would love tropical Singapore! Come and let me show you around.

  2. Gattina the Lush?? Oh, well, it pays to advertise...lol!

    I hate the cold, too, and also love to pet animals but hate insects.

    Those a good answers and tell us a little more about the psyche of Gattina!

  3. You should live in south of France . You could have sun during all the year! Voilà pourquoi un méridional a du mal à vivre à Paris et pourquoi beaucoup de français viennent prendre leur retraite chez nous. Par contre l'été c'est assez dur de supporter la chaleur. J'ai un copain d'origine Pied Noire qui depuis sa retraite vit les six mois d'hiver en Tunisie où il s'est acheté une maison et 6 mois d'été ici. Mais lui il est vraiment SUD Bon je vais préparer les sandwiches pour tous les jeunes! Vive Cannes!

  4. Good job, Gattina! And funny too! I did this meme recently. :)


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