28 Feb 2025


As it rained as usual, and most of the shops are closed on Mondays, because they had to work on Saturday, I decided to make a lazy day. First I took care of myself, nails, hairs, etc, but it at the end I had still the same face and the rest was the same too. Maybe a bit lighter. then I watched a crime story and ate my lunch, and the murder at the end was the priest of the village ! Then it was time for our activities, and this time Bingo was on the program ! I like this game unfortunately I didn't win. 

The next day was almost the same, except the game, which was real funny and made everybody laugh ! You didn't need much for the game, just a metal tray and two large water containers. Cords were tied to the containers, but some weren't. Now you had to pull the cord that wasn't tied and the tray stayed on the containers. Of course, even for us oldies it was much nicer when the metal tray fell to the floor with a lot of noise. Kim covered his ears and some took out their hearing aids. We were probably louder than a kindergarten.

With this sad weather we needed some fun games!  The next day we made such a noise that our staff suddenly arrived, one after the other,  because we were almost louder than the drilling of the workers! This time we had to throw plastic balls into cups hanging between the tables! Of course, many balls fell on the floor and we all jumped around to pick them up.

 Here they are, nurses, caregivers, cleaners, the accountant etc. Everybody had forgotten the lousy weather  !

At the end of the week, we visited a Museum in the next town. We were 14 even two in wheelchairs. We saw the exhibition of Hergé, the creator of Tintin. It was very interesting, I will writer about it later.

And I ended the week with my still not ready new Blog. I wonder if it will be ready for next year ! 

Princess Rosie sleeps the whole day and from time to time counts the raintrops


more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.


  1. I love the variety of games your place has! Sounds like a fun time.

  2. Why do you need a new blog? All your history is here on this blog.
    Have you ever thought of moving to Midsomer, where you would be at risk of being murdered every day?
    The Hergé exhibition would have been very interesting.

  3. Laughter with company dispels the gloom. Perhaps March will be brighter and warmer.

  4. Those games make you laugh and keep you moving-- win-win. Even in the gloomy rain.
    Rosie looks like she is waiting to murder a mouse.
    Have a good week!

  5. That is a wonderful quality you have of being able to find fun! Thank you for sharing this nice post. Aloha from Honolulu

  6. You definitely have a good variety of entertainment in your castle. Good when you're cooped up indoors with bad weather. Glad you had a trip out too. Have a good week. Hopefully the weather is improving.


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