12 Aug 2024




Some people don't like seagulls, I love them, they are so funny and intelligent, they make me laugh and remind me excellent holidays !

Linking to AWWW MONDAYS 





Saturday was a strange day, it was very hot in the sun and rather cool in the shade, the air was heavy and it was hard to breath at least for me. I tried to walk for half an hour as I should do, but after 10 min or so I had to sit down on one of the benches in the park and took a little sunbath. Then I returned to the others and we all gathered around the tables and played "guess the price" that was quite funny, because we were all wrong. 

Finally, it was me who had guessed not the right but almost right price. Some of us were completely wrong because it was ages they hadn't done any shopping, and even said the price in Belgian Francs, which I had long forgotten as the Euro was introduced in  2001.

We have a new resident, that happens all the time one go one come, but this one I really noticed because he seemed to me like a miracle ! It was a man with half long but very thick hair, to make jealous all women here around. He was 99 years old and will have 100 in February !

He was still living alone, and his step daughter looked after him, but now he decided to stay with us, he also fell in love with our park. I think he was a kind of playboy in the past, because he still has this twinkle in his eyes when he looks at some women ! He is always dressed very in fashion, this time he wore a pink shirt and shorts. He was quite good in guessing prices ! 

When I returned to my room I still was feeling dizzy and not "normal" I had my supper, and then went to bed and took a pill against the flue/Covid, (now both are almost the same).

I slept quite well, and was feeling better when I woke up. No breakfast arrived and for once I was hungry and really longing for a coffee. They had forgotten me ! That never happened. Of course I "screamed" for breakfast and was served immediately. I just had taken a zip of coffee, when a male nurse came to ask me to move my car, because the workers who put solar panels on our roof even worked on Sundays and had just arrived. 

I quickly threw a long dress over myself and “ran” out to park my car a little further. Then finally I could drink my coffee and eat the croissants. 

After lunch I went into the park I sat under an enormous tree and enjoyed the clean air and the little wind in this heat !

I played a bit Scrabble on my tablet and then I joined the others for our afternoon game.

This time we had to roll up the toilet paper, whoever rolled up the roll the fastest won. Of course there was a lot of laughter and applause for the winners, even our 99 year old won and I too ! 

The afternoon was quickly over and I returned to my room for supper. 

There I found a picture of Litchi, the animator's dog, who had also "worked"
  by letting everyone pet her and then getting a piece of the waffle from everyone. It looks like she is exhausted



  1. I love seagulls too. They are fun to watch and are very intelligent indeed.

    I hate it when it's so hot that you can't breathe right. I'm with you on that.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Gattina. Scritches to Rosie. ♥

  2. You may be right. There's something about the 99 year old guy in the pink outfit that indicates past playboyness.

  3. Seagulls are always around here, too, even though we are not by any sea or lake...just some small ponds. The lake is at least 90 minutes of driving, or longer if one goes to the other side of the state.

    Your new resident seems like he might be fun to get to know better.

    I hope you can get to the bottom of why you were feeling dizzy...but in spite of that you try and do as normal as you can. That is a good thing!
    And I send you hugs as you are dealing with your good friends' last days. At least you have tons of wonderful memories to help you through this hard time.


Dear Anonymous,
Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !