15 Aug 2024


1.What was the best (or one of the best) summers of your life? Tell us why.

 I think the best summers of my life I had at the beginning of my marriage with an Italian and he showed me the way of life in Italy and the beautiful Lake of Garda and the region around.  I learned a completely other way of life as I was used to so far. 

my cat Pookie checking my suitcase !

2. When you have a trip coming up do you make a list and check it twice to ensure you don't forget anything? Or are you a 'throw whatever you can think of into the suitcase at the last minute' kind of packer? When returning from a trip do you unpack immediately or leave the suitcase right where it lands? 

Since several years I have a list of everything which I have to take along, in my computer, so when the time comes to pack, I just print out the list and then "throw" everything in my suitcase and cross out the items on the list. That's really very easy. 

3. What's your favorite food or beverage made with lemons? Is that a flavor you enjoy ?

This drink I had in Morocco and liked it, it was very refreshing,  mint tea with lemon juice

I don't like sweet drinks and unfortunately lemons are always associated with something sweet, so if I want a drink with lemon, I only take sparkling water with ice cubes. Lemon flavor is refreshing but it's not amongst my favorite flavors.

4. When was the last time you had to make lemonade out of lemons, figuratively speaking I mean

The last four years have been a rough time for me, but I am still trying to make lemonade

5. Did you like school growing up? Why or why not? 

No, I hated school ! I have to say that I started school just after WWII.  At that time the capital of Germany was Bonn, which had been bombed and stood in ruins to 80 %.  

We were 80 in one class and the school was in containers, as the school building had been bombed out too. The teachers in primary and high school, where rather old and were not very friendly with their pupils. They were still more or less like the generation before, the teachers who tried to silence the children with terror,  had now to apply the new rules, no beatings and no terror in the class. We actually had no relationship with our teachers, they were all stupid and we didn't like them. The gap between teacher and pupils was enormous.

When I came to Brussels at the age of 15, the German school was completely different and I really liked it there.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Since yesterday there is a big mess here in our beautiful castle. Some residents after a test are Covid positive. I thought, why did they still the testing ? The people look completely normal and don't have not even a cold. Now all visitors have to wear a mask and a few from our personnel are also Covid positive. That means that the meal distribution was late, the nurses went first to the fourth floor to take care of the severely sick people, Alzheimer, Parkinson, Dementia, etc. This section is closed. No visitors only a restricted staff. 

So I helped out and distributed coffee for our game group, the animators both are sick too ! If they hadn't tested, everybody would have a little cold or fever because everybody had been vaccinated 3 to 4 times ! I don't mind to help, and I am happy that the nurses and the kitchen staff appreciate my help.  



  1. I like squeezing a lemon into my big water bottle. I take that to my work.
    We have covid the same way as you describe in the nirsing home where I work, too. Like you say, the affected peeps are barely ill, just a sniffle, and yet we are treating them loke vermin, and isolating them all for 10 days. So hard on those peeps with dementia. Staff is all masked up once again...at least so far, we are allowing visitors and movement with in the facility.

    I hope you stay well, Gattina and thanks for volunteering your help.

  2. Sounds as if you have the same rules then here, now we have all to eat in our rooms , which I do anyway, the staff is masked like bank robbers, but besides that for me the "mess" is rather funny, it doesn't change my way of life. But the poor people who can't take care of themselves are very restricted. So far visitors (masked) are allowed. We only have two cases to my knowledge, one I know and she is fresh like a rose but has to stay in her room.

  3. Mint tea with lemon sounds nice - I don't like mint tea on its own.
    There's a new variant of Covid and I suppose doctors aren't sure how it will develop. Thank goodness for volunteers like you, Ingrid:-)

  4. I loved school, even though there wasn't a lot of money available after our fathers came back from the army in 1946 or from migration camps in the 1950s. But since the teachers and parents were so enthusiastic back then, the students likewise became very keen about academic success, sporting skills, music and theatre.
    Many of the students I was closest to back in 1960 are amongst my closest friends now in 2024, if they have survived that long.

  5. Try not to blame your teachers. They as adults had been through a lot and perhaps lost some social and people skills. You were in Brussels from the age of 15? You are more Belgian than German then, kind of.
    I think we once wrote a holiday packing list, but I forget where the list is now on the PC. It's a good idea.
    Covid still kills. We just don't hear about it now. Take it seriously. I am about to have my seventh vaccination and somehow I've managed to avoid catching Covid.

    1. You know when you are 7 and your teacher is a monster, you don't care if he had difficult times or not you just wish her or him the worst !

  6. Gatherings of any kind are bad for Covid. The mask is a must!
    Lemon juice squeezed from a lemon and ice are among my first aid essenials.


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