24 Jul 2023



Linking to AWWW MONDAYS 





My alarm clock worked this time, now my Whatsapp doesn't ring when somebody sends me a message. I don't know if the two have something in common, so far I couldn't find out. 

As usual Maria cleaned and I was writing posts, when she left, I did my shopping and found that fruits are very expensive ! The government says we should eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, but doesn't raise the income ! I only bought some goat cheese, blueberries, and grapes for one person and not even a week and payed nearly 50 € ! I am more and more convinced that if only women would rule the world it would be a better one. 

I have made my calculation of what I spent here in this big apartment per months and what I would spent when I move into my "castle" where everything is included, TV, wifi, laundry 3 meals per day activities, a library, a pottery, and even chicken. My "daughter" Isabel came and we recalculated the whole thing again and came to the conclusion that it is nearly cheaper to live in this beautiful home then staying in my apartment and pay the charges, the heating, electricity etc. If little Rosie cannot come with me, (there are always exceptions) then I stay here until next year. I can't give her away after 17 years of life together, we would both die. 

view from my room in the residence                                     View from my terrace

There is not much difference !

On Sunday I wanted to go to the market and buy myself another dress, but it rained and it was so windy that my flower pots wanted to fly away but couldn't because I had attached them with a cord. 

I was real tired the whole day and even intended to stay in bed, but then my principles throw me out of the bed. I was jealous that Rosie could stay in her basket the whole day. I hate strong wind, it causes a lot of damages. Fortunately on our National Day the 21st of July the sun was shining ! 

The Belgian flag

and the Queen, with the future Queen Elisabeth and the King were dressed like the flag (only the other way around on the picture, black (the King in the middle, yellow the crown princess and red the Queen ! Quite clever ! the two boys are the sons and the the girl the youngest daughter. 

Nobody was on the streets, the wind would have blown the people away ! When I watched the news I saw the mess on the airport with all the people who wanted to go to Greece and the flights were cancelled, and special airplanes who brought the tourists back who had escaped the fire !  

Then I had a few phone calls and ended the afternoon by watching "Escape to the country"


  1. Watching Escape to the Country will cure any malaise.
    Given Rosie's age, I doubt the accommodation would be very concerned about a cat that won't be a problem.

  2. Saturday's weather was atrocious but it calmed down yesterday. I think the weather is quite tiring when it keeps changing.

  3. Food is expensive, yet they say we shouldn't complain as shortage of it is on its way.

  4. What cutie pies. Kids are so fun.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Gattina. ♥


Dear Anonymous,
Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !