26 Jun 2023



My cat Arthur who shared our life for almost 20 years when he was a baby






Saturday morning while Maria was cleaning, I was feeling unwell and my nose was running again !  I felt really depressed.  Again ! 

Marie, who looked at me, told me that I don't have a cold but am allergic! She told me that her daughter and grandson had the same as me. I was blown away, I had never been allergic to anything, except maybe to a few people. 

Then I thought about when it had started and actually it  started beginning May. I googled and everything which was explained corresponded to my "cold". My doctor had already told me that, but I hadn't believed her. 

That's really the peak that I've also become allergic, now that I'm already half a foot in the grave. I'll get the results of my blood test next week so it will probably be confirmed. That took the little energy I had left and I moved out on my terrace and surfed with my tablet. I had the blues. My mother was allergic, my grandson is allergic and now I ! There are women who are allergic to their husbands, and I get allergic because he is gone ! As usual I always make things otherwise than normal !

I don't know why but I just checked the Eurostar train, to see if they still have the same prices. My eyes almost dropped out of my head when I saw that instead of 44 € I should pay 168 € one way ! On certain days and hours per week you can get this cheap rate.  I thought I would check the Ryan air prices which change from one hour to the other ! 

The whole July it was this price or even more ! So I checked August and ..... it was 44 € again with a few exceptions where it was more expensive ! And then suddenly I saw the Princess of Wales playing Tennis with Roger Federer on TV and I understood ! Eurostar raised the prices because of Wimbeldon Tennis ! 

                   The Eurostar travels through a tunnel under the sea and connects France with the UK. 

I immediately cancelled my hotel (fortunately without charges) and decided to go to Eastbourne in August ! The hotel prices were the same ! You have to be really careful and check several times before booking ! I leave my place to those who can throw their money out of the window ! It's only sad for those who have to go in July ! 

On Sunday I got a phone call from the daughter of my grandma's niece, who is a little older then my son. We got in contact when my "aunt" moved in a retirement home, had called me and had given me her daughter's phone number. As I don't have a family besides my son and family and neither does Anja who has two sons. I was happy to hear from her. We got along very well over the phone. Now she asked me if it would suit me to visit me for a few days in August. Of course it suited me, last time I had seen her she was 10 years old ! This will be fun for sure. Then I fell asleep in front of the TV  ! I hadn't slept well during night.

The afternoon I spent on my terrace and read old posts from my blog, I select the best ones to put them together to make a book, that's quite a lot of work ! But at least I am busy and have no time to think. And then the weekend was over.


 Now I don't see any houses anymore !


  1. Allergies can come on at any time in life and they can go again, just as quickly. I've never had allergies but think I have slight allergies now.

  2. I hope you can find out what you are allergic to because hopefully then you can get the right medication to help.

  3. Arthur was a most adorable kitty. They bring us such joy and are wonderful family members.

    I hate allergies. I hope you can find medication that works for you.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Gattina. Scritches to Rosie. ♥

  4. Arthur sure was a sweet kitten! Adorable!
    Allergies! Phooey on them...I have been plagued with that unhappy problem since I was seven...sigh...and some of my allergies are strange...but I manage! Until last week,when I have hives allover form some insect bites, Sheesh, how they itch!
    Allergies can be a mystery to solve sometimes. But at least they do have good remedies, here for them. I use some homeopathic ones sometimes, but the doctor prescribed ones work the best. I do avoid the steroid ones...they work well, but the side effects to my bones were not worth it...who wants osteoporosis??

    That tunnel train ticket pricing is outrageous. You are wise to wait till they go down again.


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