9 Dec 2019


My grandson has got a jump suit from St. Nick ! I was scared .....



If I wasn't retired and had the whole year weekend I probably would have appreciate a weekend where nothing, but nothing happened, except the rain but that is nothing special either.

There was no one murdered in the street, no house burnt down, or a neighbor killed his wife, no, there weren't not even people in the street walking their dogs because of the rain and the wind. I sulked when I looked outside.

Unfortunately cat Arthur must have troubles with his bladder because he has to use his litterbox more then often and I had to buy litter. I shouldn't complain because at least he doesn't pee in the house but in his litterbox. He is an old male, so it could happen.  I bought 5 kgs of litter and the vendor was so kind and carried the bag and put in in the car. That was another sign for ageing, now they help me because I must look old and frail, before they helped me in the hope to get a rendez vous. Times change.

As I was already outside I thought that I could look for a TV furniture, which I wanted to buy since a long time, but never found one which I really liked and then I had to find somebody who would carry the old thing outside on the street. I went into the shop just opposite the pet shop and found exactly what I was looking for ! The right color, right size and right price !

I called the men who help me for garden and other things and they will come next Friday carry the old furniture on the street, pick up the new one, and put it together. The only thing I have to do is to pay. I have tried to sell it nobody wanted to buy it then I put it for free and still nobody wanted it. I can understand that a huge screen won't fit but one could use it for another purpose.

On Sunday Mr. G. put our Christmas decoration outside and carried the Christmas tree from the basement into the living room. He put it together and now it stands on the dining table. I have to decorate it, but honestly I am not at all in Christmassy mood.

For years I loved Christmas, decorated the whole house, and we always celebrated on Christmas Eve as it is the use in Germany.

But this won't happen anymore and to my surprise I don't care at all. With my DIL's patchwork family and we 250 km away it is not so easy for my son to please everybody.

There is his father in law with wife, the mother in law with partner, the brother in law with wife and kids and we two, fortunately not divorced otherwise he would have two more couples ! It's complicated.

Tomorrow or another day I will decorate the tree,  and then they will come  on the weekend before Christmas. That will be the first time in my life that I don't celebrate Christmas on the 24th eve, and I am really happy that I don't get a nervous breakdown for that, a couple of years ago I would have taken this very badly.

I have tried to transmit the German Christmas traditions to my son, but it hasn't worked. And times change too.

St. Nicolas arrives per boat

Toby my grandson grows up in Amsterdam, where Christmas is not very much celebrated, the big thing is St. Nicolas day, where the Saint arrives by boat on the canals of Amsterdam and brings gifts to the kids. When we spent Christmas for the first time 10 or 11 years ago in Amsterdam, there was not even a Christmas tree in the city. Today it has changed .... for the tourists. The Netherlands are the only country in Europe where Christmas is not so much celebrated.

And now a bit for Christmas


  1. Love Toby's outfit and St Nicolas looks good too. No one wants traditions anymore, I used to make Xmas pudding to my mother's recipe with old threepenny and sixpenny coins (new coins are no good) and charms but my family no longer eat pudding. Bring back traditions I say. I want RAIN and lots of it for Xmas.

  2. "fortunately not divorced otherwise he would have two more couples ! It's complicated." Welcome to my world who had to deal with separated families for more than four decades and will do so again this year.

  3. Oooh, that young skeleton is scary ...but oh so handsome! We have opted out of Christmas celebrations for a few years now. When even the grandchildren got beyond the excited stage it wasn’t that much fun to do all the decorating and stuff any more. Now of course there are the “littles” again ... the great-grandchildren'..but now it is my daughters turn to play grandmother (and she loves it)...we would just be extras and totally un-needed. .... ....... I did not realize that The Netherlands doesn’t much celebrate Christmas! ..that was interesting to learn.


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