17 Sept 2015


Letter R

When I was a little girl I wanted to become actress. I loved to play roles which I invented for me and my little friends. Then we would dress up as prince and princesses and invented little plays. Strange was that no girl wanted to play a prince and there were always discussions who would play this disgraceful role. As a princess you were allowed to wear old beautiful clothes from your mum, as a prince we had to look for old trousers (leggings didn't exist) from a brother amongst my friends.

At school we had theatre plays too. Once I had to play a policeman and wasn't happy at all in my old 1800 something uniform. Another time I was a farmer with a pink pig out of fabric. Imagine !

When I was a young girl I sometimes played roles too.

Pictures of the party in 1963

Once I went to Cologne for the carnival and on the evening during a party I spoke German with a terrible French accent so that they all thought I would be French and complimented me how well I spoke German. I have to admit that at the end it was hard to keep my accent.

Now I have reached the vintage age, have played many roles during my life, but never as an actress, it was on the stage of real life. At least I had a dream which didn't come true maybe fortunately !

Jenny Matlock
more participants at Jenny Matlock's Alphabet Thursday


  1. Love the old photos. You grew out of your dream and did something better.

  2. I wish the photos were bigger to have a closer look. Very funny about you speaking in Cologne. From my impressions of Cologne, it must have been a good party.

  3. The stage of real like is a whole lot harder than the one in front of the cameras or audience!

  4. I am sure that you always put on a great act.

  5. I have no ability to play a role or speak in front of people, so I admire your talent.

  6. I bet you would have been good at it!

  7. Pretending to be French who spoke German. Love it! When I was a teenager, I sometimes spoke to the kids I babysat in a Southern drawl. They got a kick out of that.
    The View from the Top of the Ladder


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