Helps you to remember what you have done on the weekend of September 28 . If you participate please put the little logo on the top of your post and leave your link.
Dominique wants to add a conservatory to her living room, which she wants to use as painting atelier. She had seen the one from Ilona and wanted to have something similar. As we had our pergola built by the same company, I suggested to go there and look what they had to offer. Off we went to Gibloux a little town 40 km far from Waterloo. I had looked on their website for the openenig hours but couldn't find anything, but we thought on a Saturday it must be open. When we arrived we found the shop and showroom closed and not even a ghost around. The Peugeot dealer just besides had left all doors open, we could have easily served ourselves with office materials, paper and computers. Not very commercial after all he wants to sell cars ! I shouted several times "hello" and after a while a man showed up with his mobile glued to his ears. We could have been potential customers, but apparently due to the crises they are not keen to sell or work but rather talk to their girlfriends or wives. I finally had enough and asked him "sorry, can you interrupt your conversation for a minute" which he did, giving me an angry look and when I asked why the conservatory shop was closed, I got the answer that it is ALWAYS closed on Saturdays/Sundays as if this was normal before he continued to blabla in his mobile.
We came to the conclusion that in the Wallon part people don't need to work, apparently they are rich enough. I am sure that would have never happened in the Flemish part of the country. Disappointed we returned, but decided to stop at Ilona's to see her conservatory. She had baked a delicious cake and we had tea together, so the afternoon wasn't lost completely.
Sunday was like a Friday 13 (if you are pessimist). Mr. G. went into the kitchen and found himself standing in water ! It was like his Garda Lake ! The kitchen flooded, the washing machine leaked !

I spent the next hour on 4 paws to absorb all this water. The filter was clean, the door properly closed so I really don't know what happened ! At least I found the litte tube and could use a bassin. When I finally collapsed into my chair and wanted to continue this post, suddenly the electricity went off in the whole house. Fortunately it was daylight. We thought it was in the whole area but no, it was only the main fuse. Mr. G. put it back into the right position, and light reappeared. But not on my freezer ! Catastrophe ! Finally he found out that the dehumidifier in the basement was the culprit and sizzled when he put the plug in. We left it out and the freezer worked again. was I relieved, I just had filled it up !
The cats were a little surprised that the TV went on and off, and that they needed boots for the kitchen.
But the worst was I couldn't get Internet ! It took me nearly an hour to get it connected again. What an exhausting Sunday morning !
It was also the Sunday where no cars are allowed to drive in Brussels. Usually it's always very funny, there are coaches with horses, or only riders, but this time I only saw bicycles ! What made me so angry was that they drove in the middle of the street, not even respecting the traffic lights with the result that they bumped into each other. Little kids who couldn't even bike were alone zig zaging around without any parents in view. The poor bus driver had really a hard job.

The streets were empty besides parked cars, lots of bikers and people walking around paying attention not to be run over !

It's nice to take pictures when there are no cars disturbing !

On the Grand'Place a folklore festival took place and gallons and gallons of beer disappeared in dry throats !
After all this walking I had enough and took my bus back to Waterloo which was so packed that I thought to travel in a sardine tin !
Oh gosh! I like the front loaders but my husband said when they have problems its a big one cause if you open the front door all the water comes out so we stay with the top loader.I really don't like the digital ones either. Why do they have to make them so fancy? The normal ones are just fine. My cousin in London has a conservatory and he loves it.Here every where you go they are eager to sell cars except for BMW and Mercedes. They are always so snotty.They must make a killing on one car so they don't care.
ReplyDeleteWhat a crazy Sunday.Hope your week starts off better. No driving on Sunday love it.
ReplyDeleteAn interesting and varied weekend, what can I say? Hope the 4 cats don't grow web feet now with all that water around.
ReplyDeleteDidn't you know that it is a rule that whenever you go on a particularly wonderful vacation, something will go wrong with your house as soon as you get home!
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice atmoshere at the Grand Place! They wear so beautiful uniforms! Hope now you won't have any problem in the kitchen!