2 Apr 2011

SATURDAY FUN - Spams make you happy

Lots of Bloggers don't like spams. I find them rather amusing. It's so unbelievable what you are offered that it becomes ridiculous and it makes me laugh. I can't understand why people get angry about that.

Lately I got a lot of nice offers especially for the unspeakable parts of a male body. A certain Adelia Shenna offered me natural Penis Enlargement pills, although I don't dispose of this outhanging accessory. Miss Eshia Alreda guaranteed 100 % satisfaction (for whom ?) with another penis enlargment equipment. Fortunately I also got an offer for a knee replacement probably before I should accept the offer of Speeddate Singles where I can meet someone fast. Despite the fact that I don't want to meet anybody fast or slow.

I can also loose 15 kg (36 lbs) in 90 days, and then ran around like a dried up mummy. I also got the perfect remedy against snoring and also lots of coupons for everything free. Considering all the money I won in lotteries and with heritages, I can really say that I am a lucky girl.


  1. I can't believe you enjoy reading that stuff, surely you are April fooling.

  2. I never read any spam, I am too afraid my computer will crash (again) if I do!

  3. LOL at A Lady's Life's comment.

    I get lots of these spams too and I just send them to 'TRASH'.

  4. Spam is extraordinary, isn't it?
    Love the cartoons:-)

  5. haha. "moose spam" hahahaha. eh.
    i get a lot of penis enlargement spam too... which... is just sad really.

  6. I discovered your site linking from 'Webs of Significance'.
    Love your Saturday Fun cartoons, especially the first one as I have recently had to delete 4,500 emails from my hotmail account...

  7. I never seem to get those spam emails but I do get lots telling me Ive won lots of money. I always allow myself a few minutes dreaming of all that money before I press delete...

  8. When I switched to windows 7 I can't stop the spam to my Email account. I try to block it and I think that multiplies it.

    I get the same stuff you do.


Dear Anonymous,
Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !