9 May 2009

SMILEY SATURDAY - My neighbours

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When I got home yesterday I saw a new dwarf scenery in my neighbours garden. I am not at all a fan of garden dwarfs, but this decoration always makes me smile because it is done by my neighbour's 14 years old boy. For Halloween he had posed them with pumpkins and faking a funeral, for Easter there were Easter bunnies with the dwarfs and now they are lined up and watch over the entrance, or sit on the fountain.

When I hear around me what usually 14 year old boys do or not do, it warms my heart and makes me smile. Now don't think he is an angel, he is a very normal and very friendly 14 year old boy.



While I was taking these pictures, Yanouk saw me and ran quickly with the elegance of an old grizzly bear to the gate to great me !




and was disappointed that I didn't take him for a walk !


  1. indeed, interesting to know that this 14 yesr old boy isn't just into computer,play station and his friends :D
    oh poor sweet grizly dog, he looks so sweet and disappointed.

  2. When I see dwarfs I immediatly think to Amélie Poulain and the film! Or to the gang who catched the dwarfs in gardens! The grizzly dog is an amour! Pourrais tu essayer de me mettre à nouveau un petit commentaire sur mon blog afin que je puissse savoir si le spam protector empêche toujours l'accès.

  3. Good to hear 14 year old is using his imagination. Yanouk is gorgeous.

  4. Those are fun! And I love the big Yanouk!

  5. Je pense que ses parents ont très bien élevé ce garçon. S’occuper du jardin, faire des décorations avec des nains de jardin est vraiement qqch d’inhabituelle pour beaucoup d’adolescents.

  6. Gattina, your picture always makes me smile. You seem like such a wonderful person and a lovely neighbor to have living next door. The little dwarves are so cute. Have a wonderful Mothers Day.

  7. I on the other hand like dwarfs, Those are very cute.
    There are lots of nice kids out there.

  8. It got me thinking about that stolen garden gnome that traveled the world and sent postcards from every place!


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