8 Dec 2007


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Each year under our Christmas tree we put up Mr. Gattino's very big Nativity scene. It was a whole village. In a stable was Mary and Joseph with baby Jesus laying in the crip.

One Christmas my mother decided to replace the ceramic Jesus (without asking of course) and bought 6 little Jesuses in marzipan. She took the ceramic baby out and put a marzipan Jesus in the crip.

Next morning the crip was empty. Of course she immediately suspected our little son to have eaten little Jesus. Little son was very upset and offended, he hadn't touched little Jesus.

With a suspicious glance on us (the parents) she put another marzipan Jesus in the crip. Next morning the same. The crip was empty. Now everybody was suspect to her even her husband, my father, who pretended to be the honesty in person, was suspect. He got very angry about that and we got into the right Christmas mood.

Now she had only one Jesus left and I was more and more intrigued by this strange happening. And then one afternoon when I went into the living room, what did I see ? Our dog Bianca who just leaked his moustache with satisfaction. The mistery was solved and the ceramic baby Jesus got back in his crip !

Our dog Bianca who died in 1988

This helps me to follow up the non Blogger Blogspotters


  1. Hi Gattina ~~ What a story about your Nativity scene ~~ bad dog !! Thank you so much for your comments and the surprise that I have 2 sons, 53 and 50 and 2 daughters 47 and 46. My eldesr granddaughter is 30 and there are 11 others, and 2 great grand-
    daughters. So you see I am OLD !! 73.
    Take care, Love, Merle.

  2. Hi Gattina, Bianca must have thought you were leaving her a tasty treat each night, At least Baby Jesus got put in his crib...

  3. A Northern European Baby Jesus. . . Interesting!

    I was hoping to see pictures of the whole creche.

  4. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your kind comments concerning my blog. hootin' Anni gets all of the credit this time. I was having a problem with my blog and she figured it out.
    Your dog was a wise dog! He just thought that someone was leaving a tasty treat just for him...smile

  5. Hello Gattina,

    I have a TAG for you. :)


  6. I remember this story! I LOVE it! Is it a re-do from last year? Or did you "tell" it all over again? Ohhhhh... maybe you're repeating yourself like my alzheimer mother-in-law! Uh-oh! I'll be watching you now!!! LOL!

  7. First of all let me give you great credit for your template and the top of your blog - once really get the Yule spirit when looking around here.

    I kind of envy the dog (sorry it passed away) as I just love marzipan: one of my favorite Xmas smell and taste.


  8. I hope he didn't go try to eat the ceramic one after you put it back.

  9. Pauvre petit Jésus! Et heureux chien!
    Dire que je n'ai encore eu le temps de décorer la maison! Et ce soir j'en ai pour deux heures au moins de travail pour ma classe. Alors encore deux ou trois com et j'attaque!

  10. oh what a sweet dog!!! especially after eating that marzipan :) honestly, i don't like marzipan at all, which is really too bad because there are all kinds or marzipan stuff around christmas and i don't like them, now they came up with marzipan tea too. yikes.


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