8 Feb 2025


The week started with the celebration of Candelmas, which takes place on February 2, 40 days after Christmas. But Candlemas is also “crepe day”. It is said that crepes, with their round and golden shape, recall the sun and evoke the return of spring after the dark and cold winter.

All households are baking pancakes this day or they buy, we (not me) did the dough on Monday morning so it was ready for coffee time ! I don't know how many were baked, and they were rather pancakes and not crepes which are thinner and far bigger. But the little once were good too and  if I am not wrong they ate 60 pancakes ! They were real good.

Here are Kim and Elinor baking the pancakes and then some of us followed, the others watched with interest and watering mouth !

On Tuesday there is always mass, and those who don't go played cards. Then we got all together for coffee and cake. 

Unfortunately when I came back into my room the daughter of my friend Nicole called me to tell me that her mum had finally passed away, the last weeks, she didn't eat anymore and on the 27th just fell asleep forever. I was like paralyzed. 25 years of friendship gone !

On Thursday you could see the coffin, which was unfortunately closed and not half open like Rick's, so we could see him.  There were only three of us, daughter, son and I and then people from the staff who were particularly close to her. 

Because of my lung problems I was unable to take part in the incineration celebration. It was too cold and too humid and quite far away from my home where her husband's ashes were and she wanted her ashes close to his place. 

The last few days until today I felt like a robot, I did everything automatically and thought, yes, now the last link to my former life is finally over. And then I got a message from Karin with a photo of Charlie, Nicole's great love, a golden retriever. She had painted him and  I wanted it as a souvenir. 

The picture had changed, it was no longer the happy Charlie, he was crying! That was a sign for both of us and we were a bit confused. When did Nicole paint the tears on the picture ? She could barely hold a spoon and it must have happened in the last few days because neither Karin nor I noticed anything during the last visit. It will remain a mystery, or a miracle. How did she take the picture from the wall and found her painting material ? She could rather move. I will hang the crying Charlie in my room.

Now I'm trying to create a new blog, but it's not that easy, so much has changed. Of course I'll put a link to the new blog...... when it's ready.

Nicole and I traveled a lot together, here we are in France, with our body guard.

more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.


  1. The final farewell is hard, but it allows us to move on eventually.

  2. I have never heard of Candlemas before but I do like the sound of it. Anything that evokes the return of spring is a good thing.
    I am so sorry about your friend. Sending love and hugs.
    Good luck with the new blog. I created mine years ago and had no idea what I was doing then and so much has changed since.

  3. That's an interesting connection with crepes and Candlemas. There is a restaurant here totally based on crepes, both sweet or savory. We went once--it was very good. They even had gluten-free ones so my daughter-in-law and son could have some.

    I'm so sorry about Nicole's passing. Even knowing her death was inevitable, it's hard. What a mystery about the change in the dog's painting. I'm glad you have that to remember her by, as well as so many good memories.

  4. I am so sorry to hear about Nicole. I am glad you have all those wonderful memories of your times together and of Charlie, too. Interesting mystery about the tears.
    Candlemass was a good celebration this year with all those pancakes.

  5. Oh my, I am sorry to hear of Nicole's passing. I remember her on your travels, and I remember Charlie. Amazing that she added those tears without anyone knowing when or how she did it. Is Charlie over the Rainbow bridge already? I can imagine your feelings of loss. Love Jo


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