30 Oct 2024


1. What are your current priorities in this season of life? Elaborate as much or as little as you like. 

I try to recover from my recent cold, which takes a lot of time and all my energy. I feel like a dead/alive which fits for Halloween, and my face has the same colors !

2. What's one thing you wish you had more of ? 

More air ! Because of my chronic bronchitis, I quickly become breathless and that's frustrating because everything always has to happen quickly for me.

3. Do you celebrate Halloween? If so, what are your Halloween traditions? Any special plans for Halloween this year? 

It's not so long that Halloween arrived in Belgium, but now it is here too. Especially in shop decoration ! We didn't celebrate Halloween because it was not known and in my son's school nobody knew about it.

This year in my "castle" we have decorated the entrance and the restaurant, and also baked some cookies, but for most of the 90 or more years old had never heard of it. 

Some are even angry about this new "invention" because the day after is "All Saints day" (Belgium is a catholic country) and the families visit the cemetery and put flowers on the graves and then the family which hasn't seen each other for a year get together for lunch, or coffee. So Halloween with these scary outfits and skeletons doesn't really work. The younger generation is more open in this respect and also don't go at that very day to visit graves.

4. Last thing you ate that contained chocolate? Last thing you made that called for chocolate? 

 It was a chocolate waffle, and there is no first or last thing I made, which called for chocolate. I am retired !

5. Do you prefer laid back weekends or do you like to have a lot of plans? Thinking back to this past weekend... which was it? 

For me it's weekend the whole year long ! I make plans and then I make others, I travel or I travel not, it's just like I feel (or don't feel) since Rick's passing and my move into the "castle" I make a lot of plans but stay always home. I am a bit reluctant too, to leave little Rosie alone (she wouldn't be alone) it's just an excuse I guess. I think I haven't found my way yet !


6. Insert your own random thought here.  µ

I only have one thought! I wish I could hibernate in a warm cave and crawl out in spring!


  1. Those chocolate waffles look delicious! I think you are right that it just doesn't work very well to have spooky costumes on Halloween and then go visit graves and remember loved ones on All Saints Day. Have a great week!

  2. My mouth is watering when looking at the chocolate waffles.


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