6 Aug 2024


The entrance

with a fountain

 an Indian bed

This is the Indian shop, which is actually set up like a home. Here you can drink a cup of Indian tea and talk to mostly English-speaking people. You can find almost everything here, Indian spices, clothing, fabrics, jewelry, carpets, furniture, bags, beauty stuff, etc.  Before Covid, I was there very often, this time I just checked to see if this shop still existed, and it was there ! There used to be a pink elephant in front of the entrance, now there were two, a little smaller and no longer pink. The display inside was also different, but still cozy. 



more participants here, and Image-in-ing


  1. Interesting and, to me, quite exotic!
    Thank you for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2024/08/a-peek-behind-scenes.html

  2. That looks such an interesting place - something to delight wherever you look.

  3. Must have been interesting to browse and take in the Indian culture
    Found your post on Comedy Plus - Wordless Wednesday. My entries this week are numbered #49+50
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