3 Apr 2024


1. What's a talent you wish you had? 

Nothing comes into my mind. I was and am happy with the talents I have ! That I am a zero in Maths doesn't bother me, for that there are computers or calculators. For shopping my knowledge is enough.

2. In one word, what's your state of mind right now?

3. What's the next major purchase you need to make? Will it happen this month? This year? 

Besides clothes which I don't need, but would eventually like to buy, I have everything at least for this year, maybe a new computer for next year.

4. Tuesday (April 2nd) was National PB and J Day...did you celebrate? Is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich something you eat weekly or more? What's your favorite kind of jelly?

With peanut butter you can chase me to the moon, I hate it, I don't like the smell and it is so fatty ! I like fruit jellies if I have to eat sweet, I like strawberry. 

5. Are you easily intimidated? Who or what intimidates you? 

Certainly not, nobody intimidates me, I just think of my grandma who has told me to never be intimidated by a man, just imagine him naked ! Fortunately I never needed that !

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I wonder when this awful weather will stop ! I am longing for light and sunshine and a blue sky ! That would help me to easier bear the grief for Rick.


  1. I agree with you about peanut butter, but I do like jam, occasionally.
    The weather is dire!

  2. What's a talent you wish you had?
    I would love to be able to speak other languages easily. My Hebrew is fine but I don't have very modern expressions. My French and Yiddish are leftovers from childhood. I mixed with South Americans for 12 months and have forgotten all the Spanish I learned :(

  3. Love the kitten pic. I think you have lots of talents and maths is not a necessity in these days of calculators and computers.

  4. Maths are not my strong suit either but technology these days makes that less of a problem. Hope you are having a lovely weekend!

  5. I enjoyed your answers this week..#2 made me chuckle.


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