8 Feb 2024


1. Something you've waited for recently? 

Yes, the weatherman had announced snow in the near future, whatever that means probably in July, but I had ordered snow boots and hoped that they will arrive in time. As it came from China I ordered size 42 but I have only 38. They arrived and they just fitted (like a shoe) I had thought if ever they are too big I always can put a sole inside, but making a small shoe bigger would require Harry Potter's skills.

2. What's something you loved to do as a child? 

 Getting lost ! I lived with my grandparents in a little town or a big village and I loved to walk in streets I had never been. I turned around and took streets and streets but dispite my efforts I always landed at the church where I had started. After a few times I gave up. It was not my fault it was the fault of the church ! Why did it stand there ? I think I was 7 or 8.

3. Something you learned from a grandparent.

Oh yes, from my grandma ! She was born far too early, in 1894 ! She started as a cooking help in a castle of a Baron, and very quickly became the governess of the whole household. She earned good money and didn't look for a man, she didn't need one.She was very independent. Finally she married my grandpa who was a brave good man and did everything she wanted. 

She taught me never to be dependent on a man, never to put up with anyone when I was right. She said all you have to do is imagine your boss naked and laugh inside and say what you have to say. Just don't be afraid! I am very grateful that she raised me from being a baby until I had to go to school. The basis of my education was done, and my father declared that I was a hopeless case, because I always did the opposite of what he told me and he was a real macho.My mother was the opposite of me and I learned very early how to handle such manipulators, thanks to my grandma !

4. The most visited cities in the world last year (according to this site) were-Bangkok, Paris, London, Dubai, and Singapore. Have you been to any of the cities mentioned? Which would you most like to see? How do you feel about international travel in general these days? 

I have been in Paris and London very often, I loved to travel and have seen quite a lot. Today I would hesitate to travel (for the moment) due to my breathing problems) and lack of energy it's a little more then a year that Rick passed away and I am still not the same as I was before and probably never will.

5. February is the perfect month to 

_celebrate carnival

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Now it's the second week it's raining ! I wished it would stop. 

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