16 Oct 2023


Rosie baby 


Linking to  AWWW MONDAYS 





On Saturday I was like a zombie, I did the minimum of what I had to do, fortunately Maria did the rest.

I hadn't slept very well so after lunch  I watched a short film at least I thought so. I suddenly woke up, the TV was off and at first I didn't know where I was, I was so deeply asleep! That was my Saturday.  

Sunday was completely different, In July I had already booked 2 tickets for November to see the show "Cirque du Soleil". I was lucky I managed to get  2 places in the middle and had a perfect view. All other places were already booked, remaining were the very cheap once where you could hardly see or the very expensive once, 400 € ! A little too much for my wallet. 

I had never seen a Circus like that, usually it was always with animals which is not allowed anymore, but the humans were far better than animals who belong in the nature and not in a circus. 

I went with Isabel, who always takes care of me  to thank her for all she does for me. She calls me every day to know if I have no problems and also does paperwork for me

The entrance, while I took pictures she waited for me

Everything was perfectly organized. Very good organization, you couldn't get lost, water fountains, very clean restrooms and everywhere signs. 

Our places were perfect we were just in front of the stage and also near, not too much otherwise you get all the dust in your face. 

Unfortunately my photos didn't show how wonderful and amazing it was, so I made it easy so that you can see it too, I found it on YouTube ! Anyway it was not allowed to take pictures.

The artists were like they were made of rubber..  Sometimes I had to hold my breath or screamed with the others !


  1. Awww, Rosie is adorable. I love how they can sleep anywhere and in position.

    I'm glad you had a great time at the circus. Great seats too. Good for you. Having fun is a good thing.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Gattina. Scritches to Rosie. ♥

  2. Your picture of the cat peering through a plastic bag would make an awesome painting! I was at a similar performance years ago and marveled not only at the creativity but the rubbery bodies. :)

  3. I've just caught up on a month's worth of posts! Sorry to hear about your fall and bruised ribs. Hope you're not in pain still. Sounds like you are having a busy time preparing for your move so it must have been lovely to have a trip out to the circus to take your mind off that.

  4. Those were such cute flashbacks of Rosie...and pestering Arthur, LOL!

    I saw those performers here a year ago, they sure are talented! Do they even have joints?? LOL!!

    Fun times are good for the soul...and refreshing, too.

  5. You are so lucky to be able to get to the circus. So good that your seats were not the cheap ones or the dear ones.The video was amazing.

  6. Cirque du Soleil is amazing. Something like that really takes you out of yourself. Lovely photos of Rosie:-)

  7. Rosie is a cutie pie. You made me smile and say Awww.

    I would love to have gone to that amazing show. If you loved it so I know I would too.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Gattina. Scritches to Rosie. ♥

  8. Cat antics are hilarious.

    The Cirque puts on a show here each summer.


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