13 Jul 2023


1. Is your life simple? Elaborate.  

That depends on whether it is material or emotional.

I have no material problems and can lead a good life. Emotional I am rather in a deep black hole and struggle to get out, with up and downs.

2. What simple pleasure are you currently enjoying?  

The sunshine and the view from my terrace, and seeing 16 year old Rosie still playing and running around. 

3. Travel by plane or go on a cruise? walk or ride a bike? swim or ski? ocean or mountains? 

Plane or a cruise is OK. I am not a walker and I don't ride a bike anymore. I love swimming, hate ski and love both ocean and mountains !

4. What's the last thing you bought online that you really loved? 

Nothing, except a new case for my tablet. I haven't ordered anything exciting;

5. What’s your 'back in my day we' story? 

In my case there is no "we" anymore, but I found a quote which suits me


6. Insert your own random thought here. 

It's now one year that I am a widow (what a word) The first year I went through without having a lot of time due to the administration work. Now this year I have the impression that all the worries I had in the last years have left their traces. I feel like a plant with no stick to hold me or a dog licking its wounds.

I've always thought I was a strong woman, I probably am, but not without him. Now I have to learn again, what I have done before I married, walking on my own feet. Not so easy after 54 years of a happy life together.  I really need to get out of this hole.


  1. It's hard to adjust after so many years of marriage but I'd say you are making progress, even though you may not feel you are x

  2. all I can do is imagine what it must be like to adjust after so many years together, but I know it must be very hard. Give yourself time and grace to keep making progress, one day at a time.

  3. Just keep doing what you can to move forward. Grieving is a process and not a straight line. Take care.

  4. Sending you hugs. I can not begin to understand, but I do hope and pray that you are able to find your way out of the hole you feel you are in. That you are able to see a new purpose for your life going forward.

  5. Rosie is good for you now.

    I am having the odd bad days tied to grief these days.


Dear Anonymous,
Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !