15 Jun 2023


1. What does productivity look like to you?

No idea ! I have to be honest, I'm not interested in productivity anymore, I'm much too old for that !

 But this here is not a bad idea for my productivity !

2. What was your fondest (or one of your fondest memory of High School? 

I finished High School in the German school of Brussels. That was the best high school years of my whole life ! So funny and we were German teenagers from all over Germany. And as there were not enough students for two schools, boys and girls were in the same class. In 1959 in all European countries the two sexes were strictly separated. I was the 199 student of the whole school !!

3. What did you do the summer after High School? 

Probably a lot. At that time school in Germany finished at Easter and started 6 weeks later. We were hanging around, giving parties, and had fun ! When I had finished High School at Easter I had quite a long time to wait to start in a Belgian Business School,(Administration, Management and Human Resources) and as it was a French speaking school I learned my French there too.  All Belgian schools started in September. 

4. June 14th is National Strawberry Shortcake Day...are you a fan, and if so will you celebrate? How do you make yours? Have you been strawberry picking? If so what do you do with all those berries? 

We don't have National Strawberry Shortcake Day, but I am a fan of strawberries.  I like to eat them with a bit of sugar, it depends the years, sometimes they are so sweet that you don't need sugar. I prefer them without anything, but sometimes I would eat a strawberry cake.

5. What's something you always splurge on? 

on nothing, that's not my style.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

We have an unusual heatwave so early in the year, and as only the shops and malls have air conditioning and not a lot of private buildings or houses, I sit inside with closed curtains and windows to keep the heat out thinking that just takes the biscuit, because when it is cold I sit inside too, only the curtains are open.




  1. Well, I have strawberry shortcake ice cream in the freezer. Does that count?

  2. We've had a cooler than usual start to the summer here. I'm not complaining because I know we'll have plenty of heat and humidity soon. It's interesting to hear about schooling in other countries. Hope you have a nice rest of the week!

  3. I've never had strawberry shortcake - somehow it doesn't appeal to me.

  4. I enjoyed your answers this week.


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Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !