20 Apr 2023


1. Last time you drove/flew 500 miles (ish)? What's a place you'd like to visit that lies approximately 500 miles from your current location? 

800 km are not that much, and I think there is nothing which is of any interest to me, because I have seen it all.

2. Tell us about a time recently it felt like you were 'racing against the clock'. 

I have to find a cat sitter for little Rosie, my cruise is approaching and I have three women to "inspect". As the days go by so quickly I have to race against the clock !

3. Have you ever attended any really large sporting events? What was your impression of the experience? The Superbowl, The Kentucky Derby, The World Series, FIFA World Cup, The Indianapolis 500, The Daytona 500, The Olympics, The Masters, Wimbledon, The Boston Marathon, March Madness, Tour de France, Monaco's Grand Prix, The Open (golf), The Ryder Cup, The Stanley Cup Finals..of the events listed which would you most like to attend in person? Or maybe one that's not listed? 

Nothing ! I am not interested in any sport, world cups or not, I prefer an exhibition of a famous painter

4. Are you an iced tea drinker? If so, do you drink it year round, or only in the spring and summer months? Do you make your own or buy it bottled? Sweet or unsweet? Flavored? Lemon or no lemon? How about a Long Island Iced Tea? 

I don't like ice tea at all, I find it too sweet at least in cans, my grandson loves it and when he comes I have to buy some cans for him. 

5. April 20th is Volunteer Recognition Day...do you volunteer in some way? Tell us about it. If not, tell us about a volunteer you appreciate. 

I drive my neighbors around for shopping, as they have no car and can't drive. In my generation a woman married and then she had nothing to say anymore only a few got a car. I learned driving in the 60th  when I was 19, there were no driving schools in Belgium and no driver license required ! Everybody who had a car was allowed to drive, even if he had never touched a car. 

My father hired a guy who gave driving lessons, because it was out of question that I touched his precious vehicle ! I was one of the very rare girls who could drive and as I earned quite a lot of money with my translations, I could even buy me a little used car. A Fiat 600. That was my freedom. I could go wherever I wanted and didn't depend on anybody

 6. Insert your own random thought here.

 I wished I could be able to create me a new life, but the months go by and instead of feeling better and get used to walk on one leg my grief gets worse. I think I have to look for professional help. Or a group, My life is a fake, I am humorous as I used to be, but that's not me anymore. 



  1. The largest event I've attended were the odd CFL game here or there. I'm not much of a sport fan.

  2. I am sure it would be helpful to have someone to talk to. Grief is a hard road to navigate and a listening ear might help you with the process. Also, I don't think there is a timetable when it comes to loss. We feel what we feel, so don't be too hard on yourself. Homemade iced tea is so much better than bottled. It is a very popular beverage served everyone in the southern part of the US especially. Take care and I will add you to my prayers.

  3. Hopefully your upcoming trip will provide a bit of adventure and some peace and serenity. But it always helps to talk things through with a trusted person.

  4. I hope you find someone to watch your kitty. I wouldn't mind an art exhibition. I don't think there is anything wrong with finding a group or even speaking to a counselor or someone to help you process your grief. I hope you can feel like you can be real and not have to put on a "face" here on your blog.


Dear Anonymous,
Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !