2 Aug 2019


As usual the week started with our Scrabble group. We met at Myriam's, it was warm and sunny and we played on her terrace. And a miracle happened ! When it was my turn I made 72 points at once with the words "sellez" and "salez" ! I was so surprised as were the others that I took a picture, because I think it will never happen again ! And for the first time since we scrabble together I won !

After café and cake, Nicole and Mireille put their feet up, they ankles were so swollen that they didn't fit in the shoes anymore ! We had a nice afternoon !

Sir Arthur my cat had eye problems and I had to go to the vet. Both of us worked hard to get a very reluctant Arthur into the carrier ! We were red like tomatoes from the effort and Arthur protested loudly with his Alfred Hitchcock voice. Once in the car he stopped meowing and settled down.

We were too early and we had to wait. I put him in front of the window and he watched what was going on outside. But then when the vet wanted to take him out of the carrier, he refused with his whole body, he suddenly became a wild tiger all claws out and he hissed and  snarled, it was impossible. The vet a young woman, told me that she has to sedate him and that I should come back in two hours. I said good by to the still hissing Arthur and went home. Arthur is 17 and not the youngest anymore. Two hours later he had his eyes cleaned, pulled out two teeth, and had got an antibiotic shot. In the car I let him out of his carrier and he immediately went to the back and looked out, was his old friendly self and happy to ride in a car ! He likes it !

After all these excitements I felt like a rag and collapsed on the sofa and watched TV !

Taking out my passport I stated with horror that it had expired ! I had thought end August, but it had been July. Impossible then to take a plane or the Eurostar to London. I called the German embassy, because I still have a German passport. I think it is easier to talk to Trump then to an employee in this embassy. I wanted a paper attesting that I am allowed to travel, but of course that didn't exist, I should, please fill in all the requested formulars online and not "life" and make an appointment, bring my birth certificate. I told her that since 60 years they have made a passport for me they should know that I am born and still alive, and that the certificate must be with them. She insisted that  rules are the rules and I had to bring this certificate, and if I don't find it ask my parents (???) unfortunately that made me laugh and I told her that my parents were dead since a long time otherwise they would be in the Guiness book of record. The frustrated lady didn't appreciate at all my humour and finally I gave up it was just useless. The appointment I had to make online. the first available date was in September (!!) and then I had to wait for a new passport for 6 to 8 weeks. Fortunately I can travel by car or train with my identity card.

As officially our painting class is on school holidays some of us have decided not to follow the kids but continuing the class.

and what fun we had ! We tried out abstract painting, which is called "pouring" and in short it is a technique where you mix colors with glue, put them all together and pour them on a canvas ! The result is amazing and never the same. We all were very satisfied with the results.

To end the week we went for lunch together in a big "all you can eat" Chinese restaurant and when I came out of there I thought I will never eat in my life again ! The others felt the same and we all returned home for a little or big rest !!

more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.


  1. Congratulations on the scrabble win! That must have felt good. Another busy week for you. Glad that Arthur is back home and ok. I hope you get the passport issue sorted.

  2. We here in the USA must now have a Real ID Drivers license. I had to have my certified Birth Certificate, My first marriage certificate, my divorce decree, my next marriage certificate to Jack as well as my social security card, and also a utility bill with my name on it, showing I really reside in this State. I had so much to bring to the New Hampshire Motor Vehicle & Licensing Center! Now I have it, but Oh, what a pain! My passport is good for 8 more years! I just checked!

  3. I am thrilled that you finally won scrabble, a great achievement, congratulations.

  4. Hooray for the win!

    I didn't think that Europe needed passports any more. Thought that was one of the *Wonders* of the European Union. Everyone can just bounce around, anywhere.

    Look at all those 'bad guys," who seem to do just that.

  5. Rotten luck on the passport. Mine is still good for another three years.

    Cats do not like vets!

  6. Congratulations on winning Scrabble! I have to keep my feet up several times a day, too. I have a little footstool under my desk.

    Poor Arthur. I'm glad he was ok after all that.

    The passport issue is frustrating! Hope it can get worked out soon.

  7. Arthur may be a senior kitty but he can be a very fierce fighter when vet is involved :-) I hope his eye problem will go away.
    I have an experience that my driver’s license had expired and I didn’t notice until later. Now I have reminder set for renewal :-)

  8. yay for the big scrabble win - even if the word of the day for the passport renewal is angst! Glad to hear you've tamed the tiger and he is back to being a lovely pussy cat!
    Wren x

  9. Congrats on the scrabble win. Very worthy of a picture for memory's sake! Poor old Arthur. Glad everything was taken care of for him though even though he had to be sedated. Seventeen is getting up there for a cat. Our last kitty made it to 22! Such hassle with the passport but I'm glad you did have another travel option and didn't have to totally ditch the trip. Hopefully you guys are experiencing a little bit cooler weather?

  10. Pouring sounds like a fun way to do abstract art! I’m glad Arthur had success at the Vets. Congrats on the Scrabble score! I play Words With Friends on line ... playing Scrabble “live” is so much harder, because you have all the time you need to think when you are on line.


Dear Anonymous,
Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !