1. I write the Hodgepodge questions so they'll post on Sunday, which sometimes throws me off in terms of what day it is. St. Patrick's Day will be celebrated on Monday, March 17th. Did you mark the day in some way? Wear green? Make a special meal? Watch or participate in a parade?
Thank you for letting me know that St. Patrick's day was on Monday ! I haven't seen a green thing the whole day, not even a frog or a green pullover ! Nobody knows about Halloween in this part of Waterloo, it's more known in the modern part, because there is the St. John's school. Here are more the oldies of Waterloo who sometimes haven't even left Belgium ! I look on my phone each morning to know what day we have.
2. Do you think luck plays a part in your life ? Explain.
If I'm honest, I've always been very lucky in my life. When I thought I was completely unhappy, I always found even more happiness. I've been lucky in my career, in love, and I've traveled a lot. I'd be ungrateful if I said my life hasn't been blessed with luck. But almost three years ago, my luck ran out when Rick died. Now I have to build a new life. It's not easy, but I'm trying.
3.Of the 15 green foods listed, which one is your favorite and how do you like it prepared? Any on the list that are a hard no for you? In general do you like fruits and veggies? As a kid did you eat them willingly or did you hide peas in your napkin hoping your momma wouldn't see?
4. What's something that makes you 'turn green'? (with envy or with illness... whichever way you want to run with it)
When somebody doesn't keep his promises or says something bad about me behind my back or if a friendship isn't honest.
I'm neither envious nor jealous.
5. Did you spend a lot of time outdoors as a child? Doing what? Do you spend a lot of time outdoors now? Doing what?
Oh yes, I always played outside. My mother was afraid I'd make a mess. Until I was 6, I lived with my grandparents in the country, and I played with the farm children. We jumped around in the hay, looked for eggs, and tried to milk the cows. I even got a cow's tail in my face, when I tried to milk a cow. I didn't know you had to tie the tail.
When at 7 I lived with my parents in Bonn. The town was destroyed at 80 % and our playground were the ruins.We had a lot of fun finding in the basements toys or kitchen things, we didn't think that the house had belonged to a family who was dead perhaps. For us it was a big adventure, our Disney world. Later when I was an adult and knew what had happened, I thought that it had been very dangerous to let us play in the ruins, but at that time the adults were busy with other more important things.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Apparently it will be warm and the sun (for once) will shine, so I plan to work on my blog and photos in the morning and after lunch I will sit in the sunshine and purr like my cat ! Then is game time, if it's warm enough outside in our park !
I am happy that sun is shining apparently until Friday ! I
Asparagus, avocado, broccoli, celery, green bean, peas, pistachios and spinach are low in calories, high in taste and easy to include in dinner. Asparagus and avocado are my favourites, but green spring onions are also wonderful.
ReplyDeleteYour childhood sounds very interesting. I imagine y'all found some "treasures." Enjoy every moment of the sunshine!!
ReplyDeleteAt last the sun is shining for you! Enjoy it while you may.
ReplyDeleteWhat an interesting memory from your childhood! I think children do not always realize the seriousness of events or places, and that's usually a good thing. Hope you're enjoying the sunshine and having a great week!